at my house.

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05:30 pm

In the evening, around 5:30 PM, I found myself sitting on the living room couch, filled with eager excitement as I waited for Sunghoon to arrive. I had already informed my parents and my sister about his visit for our school assignment, and they were understanding and supportive. 

As the clock ticked closer to our agreed-upon meeting time, I kept checking the time, eager to start our project together. Finally, when the doorbell rang, I quickly sprang up and rushed to the door to greet Sunghoon as he arrived.

I opened the door with a sense of excitement, and there stood Sunghoon, looking both casual and stylish. He had on a well-fitted t-shirt that complemented his lean frame and a pair of jeans that gave him a laid-back but put-together appearance. His hair was perfectly styled, and he carried himself with an air of confidence, although his appearence still looked cold and uninterested. He looked somewhat awkward, his body language hesitant, and he simply said, "Hi." 

"Hi, Sunghoon," I replied warmly, hoping to make him feel more comfortable as he entered my home for our project.

As Sunghoon entered with his bag, my mom rushed over to greet him, her eyes in awe of his appearance, and she whispered to me about how perfect he looked. I became flustered and mumbled back, hoping to stop her from saying more in case he overheard.

To my surprise, my mom couldn't help but compliment Sunghoon out of nowhere. Instead of his usual cold demeanor, he turned warm and friendly, offering a simple thank you in response. My mom continued to ask him questions, and he politely answered.

Feeling a bit like an outcast, I finally interjected, "Mom, we really need to start our project now." She agreed and offered to bring us snacks and drinks upstairs. I replied with a quick, "Okay, Mom, thanks," and then turned to Sunghoon, gesturing for him to follow me towards my room, eager to finally begin our assignment in a more private and focused setting.

Silently, Sunghoon followed me into my room, and he placed his bag on the carpeted floor. The room was filled with awkwardness, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of both nervousness and excitement as he was right next to me.

Sunghoon's gaze swept across my room, and I couldn't help but feel a touch of nervousness, wondering if he'd spot something embarrassing or unusual in my room. He finally pointed at a photo on the wall, a childhood picture of me, and started chuckling at it.

Feeling a mixture of embarrassment and awkwardness, I quickly took the photo off the wall and turned it upside down to hide it from view. Sunghoon continued to laugh, but I redirected the conversation, reminding him that we needed to start our project. With that, he shifted back to his usual demeanor, and we began discussing our assignment, leaving the childhood photo behind for the moment.

As Sunghoon and I settled down to work on our english project, we delved into a discussion on how to create mini figures of the Death Note characters. 

Our heads were bent over our project materials, and we brainstormed ideas for each character, debating the best way to capture their unique features and personalities in miniature form. Together, we began to form a plan for bringing these iconic characters to life.

We got right into the project, descending into the nitty-gritty details of how to make those Death Note mini figures. We chatted about the materials, argued over the best sculpting techniques, and debated on which shades of paint would look good on our favorite characters. 

Sunghoon still kept his cool, distant vibe, but there was this unspoken understanding that we were in this together. A subtle connection was developing, one that didn't need too many words to get things done. I think.

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