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WALKING INTO HIS HOUSE THE NEXT DAY, Jude had a mug on his face that just didn't seem to go away.

"Morning, sweetheart─── Why do you look like that?" Hi mum interrupted herself upon seeing the look on her son's face.

"Long day, even longer night, I just want to sleep," he mumbled, giving her a tight hug.

"Oh," she frowned, understanding that he probably didn't want to talk about it any further. "Go get some rest, I'll leave your lunch in the microwave for you."

"Thank you," he kissed her cheek, making his way up to his room, falling onto his bed with a groan.

The prior night was both the best and worst of his life. He got to actually speak to Kamaia for the first time in ages, seeing her face just made me giddy all over. Yet, he found out that in order to keep that giddiness in his life, he had a lot of sorting out to do.

Breaking up with Cameron seemed like a pretty easy thing to do but for Jude, it was incredibly hard.

"I'm breaking up with you" would send her absolutely over the edge, and even if it didn't, he was sure that she'd come up with some devious plan to ruin his life.

Lying in bed with Brent Faiyaz playing in the background, Jude pressed his chat thread with Cameron, planning to draft out a message that ultimately said they needed to talk.

Jude was silly, but he wasn't silly to the point where he would break up with her over text. No, he'd save her that pain.

His hand hovered over the send button after drafting out the same text over and over, but before he could press send, a call came in with Cameron's ID.

Sighing before picking up, Jude accepted the facetime and saw that his girlfriend was outside.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," she replied, not smiling at all liek she usually would when she called him, even if it was a fake one. "We need to talk."

Oh? Jude thought. "Yes, we do." He replied.

"We do?" Cam asked, puzzled.

"I mean, yeah. There's quite a little actually but I'd rather do it in person."

"Oh, that's fine. I'm actually on my way to yours. I'll be there in around 5."

"Of course you're almost at my house," Jude mumbled, and thankfully Cameron didn't hear. "Yeah, we'll speak then, I guess."

Ending the call, Jude groaned into his pillow as he rehearsed a few lines on how to break it to Cameron, and meanwhile his mum was downstairs opening the door for the girl.

"He should be upstairs, don't forget to───" Denise spoke, interrupting herself as Cameron brushed past her. "...take your shoes off."

Jude heard her before he saw her. Those loud footsteps of hers simply echoed her feelings, she was definitely angry bout something.

Entering his room without knocking, Cameron set her purse down on top of Jude's gaming keyboard, the sound it made startling him a little.

"Oh, hey." He spoke, nodding at her, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of embracing her, it just didn't seem appropriate.

"So, you said we need to talk," Cameron scoffed, sitting on the end of his bed.

"So did you."

"I know I did," she rolled her eyes. "But why did you?"

Well. It was now or never.

"I want to break up with you." Jude rushed out.

"What?" She snapped. Quite literally, her head snapped up to meet Jude's face her lips parted as she breathed out a little raggedly.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Is this about her?"

Yes. "No, it isn't about anyone but me and how I feel."

"And how do you feel, Jude?"

"Like I don't want to be in this relationship anymore?"

"How could you possibly feel that way? All I've done is make you happier since we got together─── She fucking broke you!"

"Cam, cut your shit, honestly," Jude laughed. "I know you've been talking to some mates of mine behind my back."

If Cameron wasn't shocked before, she definitely was now. Her face had turned a slight pale at Jude's words, her eyes squinting.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You think my own friends wouldn't tell me that my girlfriend's moving to them?" Jude scoffed, getting visibly agitated by the conversation.

"It wasn't like that───"

"Don't make me read out the texts, please." He interrupted her.

It was silent for a bit before Cameron spoke up again.

"I made you happier than she ever could. And I still wasn't enough."

"You never made me happier, Cameron. No one could make me as happy as she did."

"Oh, so it is about her."

"For fuck's sake, no. This is about me and how I was an idiot for jumping into a new relationship when I wasn't ready."

"So you used me? And you're getting mad at me for what I did?"

"What you did was technically cheating, all I did was be a dickhead."

Cameron scoffed, moving off of the bed and grabbing her purse.

"Fine. If you want to break up, then that's fine. Don't come back to me when she breaks your heart again."

"Don't worry, I won't," he mumbled as she left, slamming his bedroom door.

It was clear that Cameron had painted Kamaia out to be the villain; she didn't even want to acknowledge that Jude was the one who broke Kamaia's heart and not the other way around.

and now for act two 🤭
buckle up baby!

 and now for act two 🤭buckle up baby!

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