How Many?

55 5 1

Enjoy Lovelies!


As, sadly, promised, the boys agreed that we'd go to the club. I wasn't exactly excited about the club, but mainly on spending time with my family, and my fiance.

Marry again made a big tum-tum about us being picture perfectly dressed up, and as much as I didn't want to disagree, but I had to disagree.

"No. Way. In. Hell!!" I screamed, viewing myself in the mirror. The girls groaned again, and I'm pretty sure the boys were laughing their butts off outside. "Why not?!" Marry screeched, gesturing me up and down. "Marry, have you seen the cleavage on this dress!? Any more and my.. you know.. would pop out!"

"That's the point!" She defended, making me facepalm, hard. I groan into my hand, asking. "Why couldn't I have just worn the other yellow dress from earlier?!" "Because now, the boys are here! Come on, don't you wanna torture Douxie?" Darcy asks, a cheeky side smirk on her face as Aja says as she comes to my side. "Not that you would need it, we saw the way he already looked at you before, but this will make him go crazies." She says, probably having learned that last word from Steve.

I fold over my arms, looking very shyly at myself in the mirror. "I.. I don't know! I-i-i just.. isn't it a bit much, I mean, come on.." the real reason why I hated these kinds of things was because of my insane insecurities. Nobody really guessed I had them, not even Douxie, because I always wore a confident face. But truth is, I was always insanely insecure.

If anyone is close to finding out about them, it'd be Claire by far. She sees how I look whenever she or the other girls bring up shopping. It's probably why I'm a tomboy in the first place. No one can knock you down if there isn't anything to knock down in the first place.

And I know I have to stop living by that motto, but it's still stuck in my bones. "Stop. Stop it right there. You look beautiful, and you will wear this dress because we're making you, no excuses."

I sigh one more time, before leaving it be. Just as Darcy was doing my hair again, and Marry my makeup, we heard a knocking. "Come on you guys, stop holding up the suspense!" My way too handsome Fiance said through the door with that same soothing deep voice of his. "Oh, there's gonna be suspense alright." The girls giggle.

I dig my face into my hands with a groan, making them laugh. I should be used to these comments by now, but I somehow aren't. Claire took a good look at me once they'd finished. She shook her head lightly, and said. "Still the most beautiful girl in the universe, nothin' new." I smile widely, tempting to give her a hug, so I did.

I love this girl so freakin much. I get up, and ask. "Everybody ready?" A lot of agreements followed and I nodded as I took a deep breath in, a sudden burst of excitement at seeing how Douxie would look and how he would look when seeing me. Marry opened the doors, and our eyes instantly met.

And let me tell you, I will never, ever, forget how he looked tonight. He had a dark blue tuxedo on, but without the jacket. His white sleeves were rolled up, revealing his muscular arms, his black hair was somewhat commed through, and his aftershave made my knees weak.

It seemed all of us girls were staring at someone, and it didn't surprise me about the first ones.

Claire was staring at Jim, Darcy was staring at Toby, Aja was staring at Steve, and I was staring at Douxie.

But what shocked me, was this. Marry staring at Krel. I mean, yeah, I definitely ship, but I didn't think it'd be this soon.

But either way, when it came to the boys.... uhhhhhhh.

They were one hundred percent more obvious. Their mouths were hanging from their jaws, their eyes wide, eyebrows high, and posture dropped.

The boys then looked at me, and then at Douxie, and then smirked evilly at seeing him still mouth agape. They patted his back, and said, Jim said. "Yeah, you're screwed." They all laughed, including the girls. Douxie just blinked in shock, as was I since I probably wasn't much better when staring at him.

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