Punishment part 3

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Toono sat against his wall with his knees to his chest, trying to forget the stinging pain lingering in between his legs.

"Are you okay, Toono-kun?" Itome walked up to him and sat next to him on the rooftop, feeling concerned for Toono. "You.. seem to have trouble walking today..."

Toono nods, using his sleeve to wipe away some of the remaining tears as he sniffed.

Itome places a reassuring hand on Toono's arm, staying silent; he's unsure whether his words would console Toono or not. All he can do is stay sympathetic to the younger boy.

But Toono felt as if he could trust Itome, despite him being Akemi's boyfriend.

"I.. I didn't really mean to insult your boyfriend like that." Toono murmurs, loud enough for Itome to hear, "But.. what he did.. I just.. I can't forgive him. I.. I don't know..."

"What're you two talking about?"

Toono jolts, and he sees Shikatani squatting down to his left.

"You look so depressed sitting like that." Shikatani says when Toono doesn't answer him. "Is it because of what happened the past two days?"

Toono nods, frustration bubbling within him.

"I just.. can't! I can't do this anymore.." Toono vents out his frustrations, "I hate it, I hate it how he can always get away with touching people without getting into trouble!"

"Toono-kun..." Itome taps on Toono's shoulder a little bit frantically, as if urging him to do something.

"He's such a perverted jerk!!" Toono tries not to curse loudly, "I hate this club, and I want to join a different one!"

"You can't do that." Akemi crosses his arms as he looks down at the trio.


"Yeah, you're screwed." Shikatani breaks the brief silence.


Students glance at Akemi humping Toono as they walk in the hallway, stepping aside as they walk around them.

No one bothered to stop Akemi from rutting into the crying boy; they were far too aroused from the sight to.

"P-plea—please.. I can't take it.. this is.." Toono cries as Akemi puts him in a chokehold while still thrusting into him.

Toono gasps for air, unable to beg for mercy as Akemi rails him into the ground, the sounds of his balls hitting against Toono's ass echoing loudly throughout the hallway. It was a surprise no teacher had come out the check the sounds.

"Please no please please..." Toono choked on a sob as Akemi leans back up and grabs onto Toono's shoulder.


Akemi slammed rather hard into Toono, making his entire body violently jerk forward, his body sliding against the floor.

"Hm, I've always wanted to do something more.. kinky." Akemi grabs a medium-length leash out his pocket and clips it onto Toono's collar he had forced Toono to put on earlier.

"Walk, doggie, walk." Akemi laughs as he tugs the leash, pulling Toono backwards a bit. "Come on... don't be like that." He slaps Toono on the ass, "Giddy-up!"

Humiliated, Toono starts to crawl on the ground like a dog as Akemi walks alongside him, holding the leash.

"I think this would be more exciting with a plug or something." Akemi hums, "Okay, that's settled! Let's go to the club room and get it!"

"Ah, so that's the shit show everyone was talking about!"

Tamura and Yuri were walking in the hallway, curious to see why some students were crowding around.

"Doggie!" Yuri pants as he gets on all fours like Toono.

"What? You want to walk him, Yuri?" Tamura quirks an eyebrow, and Yuri starts barking excitedly.

Akemi grins and hands the leash over to Yuri, "It's like walking his pet vibrator!~"

Toono has never felt so humiliated before, and he just wishes he could transfer schools.

Yuri eagerly smacks Toono on the ass, speaking incomprehensible gibberish as they kept walking.

"His ass is empty." Tamura grins evilly as he pulls out a large dildo, "We should stuff it up."

"I was going to do that," Akemi nods in agreement, "It would be more humiliating for poor Toono-kun, haha.~"

Tamura slides the dildo into Toono, who barely reacted at all.

They all chatted casually to each other, with the exception of Yuri who was mumbling and panting like a dog as he walked Toono.

It was degrading.


They reach to the club room and Akemi takes the collar and leash off Toono, "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

Toono nods tearfully.

"Good boy~"

Toono's heart flutters at the praise.. He was used to being degraded by Akemi for the past few days.

Akemi smiles at him.

Toono Gets Banged One-shots!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ