Spider-Man: Whoa! Sonic cannons? Oh, Shocker would so sue.

Another thug, who appeared to have boots made from the same tech, sprints forward, literally bouncing towards Spider-Man. The webbed-hero jumped over the thug, only to have him bounce off the wall, as he successfully hit him this time. Spider-Man rolls on the ground, regaining a proper stance, as he landed in front of a brute, who had gauntlets. The brute attempts to smash the bug. However, he is blinded by webbing to the face.

Spider-Man: Take it away, cow-polk.

This gives Batman the chance to leap on the lug, as he sprays some gel on his back. The thug rips the web off his face and throws Batman off his back. Batman lands gracefully, as he then took out a button. As he pressed, the gel exploded, causing the thug to be pushed forward, as he hit a wall.

Spider-Man: I'll never get tired of that gel.

Spider-Man dodges sonic blasts from left and right. Spider-Man then web-zips to the thug, punching him in the face. The thug tries to retaliate, as he swung the blaster at Spider-Man twice, having them both be evaded. Spider-Man then ducks, as he kicks the thug in the face, knocking him back.

Spider-Man: Y'know, the next time you try to rob a bank, at least try to be original about it, like your friends.

Spider-Man's senses tingle, as the thug from earlier sprinted himself towards him.

Batman: Spider-Man, look out!

Spider-Man successfully leaps out of the way, only for the thug to bounce off the wall and successfully hit him, knocking him down.

Spider-Man: (groan) See, this guy knows what I'm talking about.

The thug would have gotten in another strike, if not for Batman and his his explosive batarang, knocking him back. Spider-Man gets up and walks to Batman.

Spider-Man: Thanks!

Unfortunately, the two see the big thug getting back up, as they all readied their fighting stances.

Batman: Don't thank me yet.

The thug was about to slam his fists into both of them. However, a red blur, punches the thug with such force, it sends them flying a far distance, hitting the ground constantly, before landing, unconscious. Batman and Spider-Man look up to see the Man-of-Steel himself: Superman.

 Batman and Spider-Man look up to see the Man-of-Steel himself: Superman

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Superman: (smiles) Batman. Spider-Man. Good to see you two.

Spider-Man: Ha! Classic Supes. Always flying in to save everyone. Uh...that punch didn't kill him, did it?

Superman: (scoffs) Please! I was only using 0.0001% of my power.

Spider-Man: Man, you are strong. It's a good thing you're a good guy. Otherwise, the world would be in chaos. And just a little note bats: That was not a suggestion to make more contingency plans for Superman.

Superman laughs, as Batman grumbles. Just then, the thug who was sprinting everywhere gets up, ready to fight, but is ultimately afraid when he sees Superman.

Thug 2: ...Aw, sh-

Superman then freezes the thug in place, using his Freeze-Breath.

Superman: Language!


Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man all sit in top of a high building, watching Gotham from below. Meanwhile, Batman growls as Spider-Man, still angry about earlier.

Batman: He wasn't supposed to know about those, you know.

Superman: Please! Do you think I didn't see that stash of Kryptonite was still there when I head into the Batcave last time?

Spider-Man: Bats! You promised you got rid of it.

Batman: Technically, I didn't promise. I said I thought about.

Spider-Man: You just can't trust anyone close to you, can you.

Batman: (smirks) Can't afford to. It's bad for business.

Spider-Man and Superman look at Batman in shock.

Spider-Man: (shocked) Did he...did he just make a joke?

Superman: (shocked) I think he just did.

Spider-Man: We probably must've misheard him.

Superman: Nope. Heard him, loud and clear.

Batman: Okay! Superman, just tell us that Lois is pregnant and be done with this.

Spider-Man: Yeah, just- Wait, wait! WHAT?!

Superman: How did you know?

Batman: Your sweating, your pupils are dilated, and your left hand is shaking. You don't usually show any signs of stress or fear. The last time I saw you this afraid, you were facing Doomsday. And I doubt it's Doomsday. Also...you're grinning like an idiot.

Superman: (chuckles) Well, I'll be. I'm terrified.

Spider-Man/Batman: Congrats, man!/Congratulations, Clark.

Spider-Man and Superman hug, while Batman just subtly smiles at Clark. He won't admit it, but he's proud of the man he saw as his brother.

Spider-Man: You're gonna be a great dad!

Superman: Thanks! I hope so, too.

Spider-Man: So...who's the guardian?

Superman: Batman.

Spider-Man: What?!

Batman and Spider-Man were surprised, and Superman smirked at Batman.

Superman: Look at that. The World's Greatest Detective is surprised.

Batman smirks, while Spider-Man clears his throat, trying not to show he is jealous.

Spider-Man: I mean, um...congrats, Batman. I'm not jealous or anything.

Superman: And Peter. We were thinking whether it's a boy or a girl, we want their middle name to be...Peter.

Spider-Man: (smiles) Thanks, Clark. That means a lot.

The three heroes then look into the distance of the city.

Superman: Y'know, I sometimes wonder...is the world better off without us?

Batman: (mumbles) Here we go again.

Spider-Man: Clark, with all due respect, that's crazy-talk. The world wouldn't be at peace if not for you! You saved this world ten times over! How could you think that?

Superman: I know. I know. But, sometimes when I look at the world around me, I think...are we doing enough. There is still so much violence, pain, and suffering. I just...I just want to give my family and everyone else a better world to live in.

Batman: You are, Clark. And we'll always be by your side...no matter, what.

Spider-Man: Aw! Bats, you big softy! I knew you had a heart.

Spider-Man hugs Batman, ultimately making him grumpy, as Superman laughs at this moment, thinking his life couldn't get any better. He was right. It couldn't...because it was about to become much, much worse.

Spider-Man: Injustice Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now