A Little Bit of Poison Goes A Long Way

Start from the beginning

All was going perfectly to plan.

And it was horrifying to see.

"Prince Thomas."

Tommy took a deep breath and ripped his gaze away from the drinks in front of them, instead moving to meet the King's– a disrespectful action, if he were to be born to any other social class, but as a Prince, the mistake was easily forgivable.

The eyes of a killer stared back at him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Philza greeted him, his tone easygoing, no signs of ulterior threats hiding in the words. Or, at least, not any that Tommy could find yet.

(King Schlatt–his adoptive father–had always done well in teaching the youngest Prince how to fend for himself. Talking to other royals, learning how to spot their manipulative words within a web of casual smalltalk, included. He had become quite the expert on it during the seventeen years of his life.)

"And you as well," Tommy inclined his head in response. He made no move to eat yet. Neither did the King, as appetizing as the meal looked. "My father, King Schlatt, sends his warm regards as well. He was disappointed he could not make to the festival."

Neither of them were here for food. The assassination plan Tommy had created had long made him lose his own appetite.

And, clearly, with whatever plans the King had, he had no intentions to eat either.

Instead, he reached for the goblet.

Tommy's breath halted as the King continued speaking, unaware of the deadly contents that lay mixed into the glass.

"I return the feelings. Schlatt and I always share...interesting opinions," Philza said slowly. His tone did not falter, even though they both knew of the hatred the two Kings shared for one another.

It was no stranger to know that Tommy had been sent here not as a cheerful emissary, but as a peace offering. If he were able to make a good impression on the Antartic King, on the royal family in it's entirely, then perhaps they could hold off the war between Esempi and Antartica for longer.

Or, that was the original idea Tommy had proposed.

But, Schlatt had always had other ideas. Murderous ones; ones that put Tommy at a risk he wouldn't dare to take himself.

The goblet clinked against the King's sharp talons.

"Alas, I know Prince Wilbur is overjoyed that you were able to make the travels here in time," the man said conversationally, a faint smile evident on his face at the mention of his son. "You've made quite the impression on him within your time staying here. I'm pleased to hear the both of you have gotten along on such a positive note."

Tommy nodded, a twin smile forming on his face that was difficult to hide.

"Wil- Prince Wilbur, I mean, has been very welcoming. I thank you for that openness."

And that was the most truthful thing he could say.

Prince Wilbur, upon meeting him, had been an unexplainable surprise. Tommy didn't know what had made the two grow so close together in such a small time: fate, or merely his want for some cheeriness while alone in enemy territory. But, ever since first meeting, ever since Wilbur had eagerly first grabbed his arm and showed him the tour of the palace, a light in his eyes that Tommy had seen replicated by no one else within the fortified stone walls, he hadn't been able to tear himself away from the elder's side.

The weeks with his new friend were quick. Walks through the garden as Wilbur showed him the numerous plants he'd memorized in the garden–explaining how they'd learned to turn them into potions–and picnics at night had overtaken the time he spent stressed. It made him forget about the vial hidden inside the spine of his history book; about the death sentence that his own father had sent him to.

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