“So Mick, what’s got you so happy all of a sudden?” Dan asks in my ear. I showed him the text and a smirk played upon his face.

“MICKY’S GOT A GIRLFRIEND,” He roared. Uh oh! All of the contestants on-board turned round and gawped at me. It was as if I wasn’t allowed a girlfriend.

“Omg!! Is she pretty? Is she got any friends that are single?” George shouted in my face.

“She’s very pretty. However, she’s dealing with a serious illness right now and her single friends - my friends too - are taken, kind of by Greg and Dan. The fourth friend in the mix is pregnant and been in a relationship for 5 years now”

“Awe, I’m forever alone,” George wailed. He’s obviously mocking things right now. It’s my personal life and it’s staying private.

“Micky, you say she’s battling a serious illness right now. What sort of illness is it?” Ella asked.

“She’s battling cancer; she starts her second round of treatment tomorrow. I probably shouldn’t have said that but she is”

“Micky, your girlfriends a strong person, you’re a strong person. Don’t give up hope”

“I’m trying not to but we can only take one step at a time,” I admitted sheepishly. I knew every day would be a battle for Ella but also for myself. Every day will be a mountain and we will climb it together no matter the circumstances.

Micky’s POV

-2 Weeks later -

I was heading hone now. I was finally getting to be with my girlfriend. I was sad the tour had ended but we’d made friends for life and that was the best thing about it. Everything was amazing, I’d been texting Ella endlessly over the last few weeks and we’ve grown closer again. Her treatments been going well, or so she tells me. We haven’t been able to Skype because I’ve had everyone around me and of course they all knew about Ella’s cancer and she’d be furious at me for it. I was just glad to have her in my life right now.

   We pulled up to my house - Greg and Dan was staying here for a few days before they headed back home - and Ella was stood there with Lottie. I don’t know if they’ve became friends again or what but they didn’t look very close. Ella’s face turned into a smile as the car stopped. Of course, Dan was the first one out and into Lottie’s arms. Those two seriously need to get together because they liked one and other.

“I guess Maria isn’t coming then?” Greg murmured silently.

“Actually she is. I think you’ll find she’s running up the street just now. It’s typical Maria, she’s always late,” I pointed out.

“That’s my girl,” Greg cheered.

“Wait, your girl?” Wait what? His girl? Now that is news to us all.

“Ah, yeah. I asked her out the other week there and she said yeah. I know we don’t know much about each other but we are willing to try what we can”

“I’m glad you’re happy Greg. You deserve it”

“Thanks buddy” I let Greg climb out first before I got out. I was admiring Ella’s beauty, it really was awe inspiring as to how she can be sick but still look so bloody fantabulous.

   I climbed out slowly, I wasn’t trying to make Ella wait any longer but the fact is I was scared. I was scared as to how she’d react. I did like my balls but I was scared in case she tore strips off them for leaving her all those years ago. I finally got out the car and walked over to Ella, terrified. I don’t know why I was terrified but I was.

“I’m not going to hurt you anymore Micky. We’ve both suffered enough after a year and bit apart,” She whispered into my neck as she hugged me. I let myself ease in to the hug and I just held her. Although she was beautiful, she’d lost a lot of weight. I know it’s because of the cancer and the chemotherapy but she was still my beautiful Ella Banana.

“I’m sorry about last year Ella. I really am. I know you don’t want to hear this apology right now but I am. I was part of the reason as to why you didn’t want to go back and get your treatment. I know I should’ve stood up to Alex and let him post the picture online and not cared what everyone thought. I also know I shouldn’t have ended things last year because we were perfect. I know we were to be a family as well and it didn’t turn out the way we planned but there is still time and there is still hope because I know from now on, I’ll be by your side through the bad and through the good. We’ll make many more happy memories together, not apart. I promise not to care what other people think and to be there when everything goes bad. I also promise not to let rumours speculate as to how we live our lives and how we let our relationship flow. I, Michael Curtis Parsons LOVE you, Ella Montgomery and no one else. The only person(s) I will love will be our children calling you mummy. Apart from my own family and your little brother”

“Micky, I understand everything. I do. Alex is a bully, yes, he is my old friend and Lottie’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy but he’s nothing to me anymore. Never will be. I was never in love with him like he was with me. Heck, I’ve only ever loved you. Even since, I first saw you that day when we were two I’ve been in love with you since then. Why do you think I came over and spoke to you? Apart from you looking lonely.  Micky, it’s always been you. It’s never been anyone else. You were and always will be my first love; no one else will ever take that place”

“Ella, please just kiss me. I’ve been without your kisses for way too long and I can’t hold on anymore,” I murmured. I was actually craving her kisses. Missing someone for way too long is horrible because you end up missing everything about them.

   Ella placed her soft pink lips on mine and I felt like I was heaven. It was amazing. This was amazing and I definitely could get used to it again.

Authors Note: -

Apologies if this sucked. Not really in the right mind frame right. Dad hasn't got home yet either :( dunno when it'll be now :/

Enjoy if you read it and sorry for moving it forward until they met, I was sorta running out of ideas for them being apart. Sorry.  

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now