Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"It's the only way we can officially settle the shipping discussions." Trinity explained.

"They don't like me! Why would they? I'm rude, obnoxious and annoying! Honestly, you guys. Leave it alone. My love life, which is extremely nonexistent, has nothing to do with you! Yeah, sure, Niall said he likes me. Yet, once this show is over and done with, we're probably never going to see each other again and he'll fall for some perfectly sculptured girl who won't act indifferent around them! Leave it be." I tried to conceal my anger as best I could, my teeth were biting into my lip.

"Denying it won't make it go away." Andie stated. 

"You know what? Fine. I'll do this stupid little experiment of yours just to make you shut up. Promise that if I do this and you find out which boy," I then made quotation marks with my fingers,"'likes me more' you'll leave me alone about it." I negotiated. Nothing would please me more than to have my friends leave me alone about boys. Here's a perfect example as to why it's so much better to only have guy friends.

"Yay! Okay, go outside with Trinity and Faith, I'll go tell the boys you hurt yourself!" Andie started directing, her sharp nails digging into my back as she shoved towards the sliding glass doors. 

We received strange looks from the other girls, the room being strangely filled to the brim considering the past few days it had been virtually empty. I obeyed every time Trinity moved me to a different direction and I couldn't help thinking how stupid this was.

Maybe it was the fact that I truly hoped none of the boys really liked me. I liked my life the way it was, without the drama, without all the attention. And I wanted to make it so I went home and nothing had changed. Yet everyone else wanted something extreme to happen, something that would change life as I knew it. 

"Lay down." Trinity demanded.

"Excuse me?" I popped an eyebrow.

"Lay down! If you want them to believe that you hurt yourself, you have to put yourself into the fetal position." Trinity said as if it was obvious.

"I don't want them to believe that. You do." I muttered as I crouched down on the pavement outside. 

"Hush. Okay, looks like Andie went already. Come on Faith, we have to look worried."

The two girls leaned over me, taking on expressions of concern. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing; Faith should never consider becoming an actress. She looked more constipated than anxious over her friend's health.

Before I could even blink, six boys were leaning over me and reaching out to 'help' me. After a total of ten seconds, I started to get a bit too aware of my surroundings and feeling a bit claustrophobic. I swatted around to get Harry to help me up from my crouched position. I exhaled and gave Trinity, Andie and Faith an eye roll as I crossed my arms. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Niall poked his head around Louis to ask. The boys were all pushed together and had quite obviously arrived at the same time. 

"See? Didn't work. You guys are stupid." I couldn't help laugh a tiny, tiny bit at the girls who looked shellshocked. 

"What's going on?" Nick asked, pushing past the others. 

"Oh. Um. I fell, see, and blacked out for a second, and you know, the girls got worried, but I'm totally fine." I waved it off.

The boys all murmured something about 'oh' and we all started shuffling back into the house. I felt smug about the fact that all the boys came at the same time, that the girls wouldn't start squealing how one certain boy was going to propose marriage before the end of the week. 

Trinity tugged on my arm, the other two girls crowding me. 

"They're all in love with you! Even Trin's boyfriend!" Faith gasped.

I thought she was joking, but her tone and her face had that of a very serious squirrel. 

Aw, c'mon. Really?





Hiya! Sorry for the fact it's been over a week since my last update. I know it's annoyed quite a few of you, but THANK YOU to the ones who told me to take my time. 

Between getting a horrible cold (One that made me lay in bed wanting to die) and hell week, I've had no time to write. This chapter is just pieced together, I wrote a few sentences every time I had a second of rest. 


My show opens tomorrow, which means preview is tonight, which means this weekend is going to be nuts. I'm so excited though, months of hard work finally getting paid off. Woohoo!


And now that I'm mostly better, everything seems to be fine. YAY FOR FINENESS. 

Make sure you vote! It really means a lot to me if you vote on every chapter - It makes me want to hug you and squeeze you and buy you One Direction. :)

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