Start from the beginning

"Lucas!" Coach Timi yelled. "You're a mage! Okay? You can cause things to happen with the mana inside you. That's why the Universe chose you. That medallion you found was a gift from the Universe."

Lucas was speechless.

"Kiddo, I'm an Enchanter. What you saw me do back there was enchantment. And I'm an Ex-Protector too. I was chosen around your age to join the Protectors of Balance. When my time of service was up, I resorted to full-time basketball."

"You're saying... that you found the medallion at my age? And that it's an invitation?"

"Not an invitation," Coach Timi looked in the rearview mirror. "A calling. You'll find it again. And it's important you answer the call."

"What about the Wendigo?"

"What about it?"

"I thought Fantasio Inc. was crazy. I thought cryptids weren't a thing."

Coach Timi sighed. "Listen, Fantasio is another story entirely. They may be nuts but they're not inaccurate-mostly. 'Cryptid' is the general term for non-human creatures that aren't categorized in normal biology; creatures of folklore, if you may. 'Mystics', however, are extraordinary humans; Humans with manna. And manna can express itself in different forms. My manna is responsible for my power of enchantment, yours makes you a mage."

"Why'd you keep saying that? Why are you calling me a mage?"

"There are different kinds of mages. You'll find out more at the Absconditum. But all you need to know now is that you're a magus verborum; a mage of words."

"Magus Verborum?"

"Yes. With specific Latin words, you can initiate spells that range from creating anything you desire to altering the nature of existing objects."

"The words you taught me? Are those the specific words?"



"How else? They're like prefixes to whatever sentence you want to say in English." He looked into the rearview mirror. "We're almost at the bus stop where you said you usually drop off. I know your parents must be worried sick about-"

"They're not home." Lucas folded his arms. His voice was filled with gloom. "The Wendigo said he abducted them or something." He sniffed, eyes tearing up. "What am I supposed to do?"

He pulled out his phone and glanced at the message he sent earlier-still unread.

"Hmmm. You should've told me that earlier when I enchanted the creature. Still, don't lose hope. I'm sure they'll come back."

The lights of flashing billboards streaming into the car, made Lucas acknowledge their current location. The towering buildings, mostly painted gray or black had the lights from their windows join in to illuminate the night.

Crowds scurried along the sidewalks of Yonge Dundas Square, and Coach Timi had slowed down at the sight of the zebra crossing ahead.

Upon driving past the zebra crossing, the two recognized something odd at the centre of the crossroads they were approaching. A floating dark mass that enlarged and contracted with the rhythm of a slow beating heart, having a somewhat circular shape.

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