
- Charles... I'm begging you... I need help...

The panicked voice of the Dutchman rings through my phone and makes my blood cold.

Why does he always call me when he needs help? And why do I want to help him so bad?

- Where are you?"

I don't get an answer, just a sob. I bite my lower lip, my heart beating with anxiety.

"I'll come just tell me where you are.

- I'm... I don't know... on the street... please... I need you...

- Send me your geo-location, I'll be right there."

I get up from the couch quickly and put on a sweater and sneakers before grabbing my car keys and rushing out of my apartment.

He sent me his location, I'll be there really soon.

When I reach the indicated street, it seems empty at first.

Then I see someone curling up against the wall of a shop.

I get out of my car, my heart beating.

"Charles?" His voice is weak, barely inaudible.

I approach him and put my hand on his shoulder before crouching next to him. He's only wearing a T-shirt and it's so cold outside right now.

"What's going on?"

He raises his face and my heart misses a beat. His lip is swollen and his eyelid is closed.

Words get stuck in my throat so I slide my fingers between his and help him get up and get into my car. He slowly follows me, looking completely frightened and curled up on himself.

His hand is cold and his fingers are trembling between mine.

I drive quietly to my apartment. Hands clenched on the steering wheel, I feel anger rising inside me.

Who? Who did this to him?

The Dutchman is completely silent next to me.

His hands and legs tremble and do not seem to calm down.

I take a breath before gently placing my right hand on his thigh. Slightly closing my fingers so as not to let go.

"You're safe now, you don't have to worry anymore."

But I can feel his leg still trembling beneath my fingers and he doesn't answer me.

We finally get to my apartment. I'll double-lock the door behind us.

"We should... heal your wounds...

- It's okay, Charles, thank you, you don't have to deal with this.

- No... I don't want it to get infected... wait for me in the bathroom, there, I'll get you something to take care of..."

The Dutchman walks slowly towards the room I have pointed out to him as I retrieve my first aid kit.

I join him in the bathroom, he's sitting on the stool, his back against the wall. With the light I can see even better the purple aspect of his skin.

I open my first-aid kit and take out the compresses, not sure what to do. I put disinfectant on it.

"It's going to sting, sorry..."

He does not answer me, I put one hand on his chin and with the other gently apply a compress to his lip. His eyes close and his face tightens slightly.

"I'm sorry..."

Shameless - lestappenWhere stories live. Discover now