13- Apocalypse

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Your lips, my lips

- Cigarettes After Sex


Charles Leclerc

He opens the car door and leaves quickly. I watch him go around the Mercedes until he comes to my door.

He's not actually doing this, is he?

But he opens my door for me like he would probably do it for a date. I raise my eyebrows but let him do it.

When I get out of the car, he gives me his arm.

I look around, worried that someone's watching us.

"Charles, no one cares about us."

Said the Dutchman calmly.

I look at the people around us, and it is only when I see that they are not paying any attention to us that I accept the Dutchman's arm.

He smiles at me softly and we move towards the entrance of the manor.

My heart is pounding in my chest. The journey on the gravel to the entrance seems endless and I can't help but look at those around us. I recognize some faces with surprise. All are smiling and look relaxed.

I refocus on the man next to me as we finally arrive at the entrance.

I firmly serve the Dutchman's arm as he stops in front of two men in suits, wearing earpieces and with an imposing frame.

"What' your name?

- Don't you recognize me?

- Mr Verstappen! I wasn't expecting you tonight. It's been a long time since you came.

- I just didn't have someone to go with before."

I frown, surprised by the interaction taking place in front of my eyes. Clearly, the Dutchman is not at all in unfamiliar territory, quite the contrary.

"Who is your guest, Mr. Verstappen?

- Mr Leclerc."

He answers in my place with a polite tone, gazing at the men in front of us.

"It's perfect, please follow me Mr. Lelcerc, before you can join the party, we must first settle some formalities with you, as it is your first time. "

I nodded a little worried and tried to meet verstappen's gaze to make him understand it. I don't want to be alone in this.

His blue gaze plunges into mine for a moment and without leaving my eyes he smiles.

"I'll go with you."

I don't let go of my rival's arm as the man signals us to follow him into the building, into an office near the entrance.

He sits in front of a computer and begins to wiggle his fingers on the keyboard before finally raising his head and crossing my gaze.

"Your full name?

I swallow hard, I don't like to give too much information in a place like this.

- Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc."

He nods his head and writes my name before printing out a document.

"What is it?

- A confidentiality agreement. You have to sign it to get into the party. If you sign it once, you won't have to do it again if you want to come back.

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