Second thoughts

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As he walked down the street Damon felt all his previous confidence escape his body. At home he had worked up the courage to get down here and meet the guy. He had even put on music and chose his outfit really carefully. He didn't own lots of good stuff but the little he did, he put it on tonight.

He knew the man in the alley was rich. He could tell by his clothes, the way he couldn't bother if he messed them up in a dirty alley. But that wasn't the reason Damon was so unreasonably attracted to him. No. That would usually have the opposite effect since Damon despised rich people who constantly looked down on him.

No. That's not why he was drawn to that man. But what was it then? The man, Harry..was like a drug for Damon. Even if he had never smoked so much as a regular cigarette he could tell an addiction when he saw one. One of the perks of living in his neighborhood.

Damon's mind was a complete mess of fantasizing about a stranger he met in an alley holding him and calling his name as he kissed him senseless. Harry was his drug. Harry. What a fitting name for that man. He would whisper it over and over again throughout the day and it always sounded amazing. His legs were finally starting to move as his mind travelled to the mysterious man he tried to mug.

His sister thought he was going crazy after all. She had her suspicions he would one day go nuts but never thought the day had come. Damon smiled at the thought of his sister's face when she found out he had not only tried to mug somebody, but had made out with that stranger in a dirty alley as well.

Made out. They didn't only make out. Damon smirked and flashed red while walking into the hotel without realizing. He had never done that before. He could be characterized as a virgin at 22 but Damon never liked that label. He found romantic encounters to be useless and unnecessary. Despite the other person's sex. To sum it all up Damon felt like having sex was not something he wanted in his life.

Well, not something he used to not want. Now, after those two nights with Harry Damon was starting to think he was very, very wrong about the whole sex thing. A day hasn't passed, or a minute for that reason, that the young man hasn't thought of that man's hand on his own cock. Stroking him, making him scream and beg and then letting him cum. He felt so dirty he couldn't stop smiling.

Why was something so embarrassing, so arousing at the same time? The guy could kill him, he could be a lunatic. A handsome, abs defined, muscled, tall, dark haired lunatic.

"Geesh get a grip" he scolded his own self

"Excuse me?" A very polished annoyed voice said and startled Damon who just realized he had entered the hotel and was standing right in front of the front desk.

The immaculate reception was completed with a beautiful blonde receptionist who was looking Damon up and down with a frown.

"Can I help you?" She asked, as if not expecting a decent answer

"Umm, I would like to see Harry" Damon said shakily and remembered what he was doing here. He looked around nervously and once again knew he didn't belong in this lavish hotel.

"Harry?" She asked sceptically and gave him a ridiculous look as if talking to an idiot.

"Harry Callaghan Jameson" the young man replied defensively in a loud voice.

What was he even thinking? This was not a fairytale like the ones he would read during his shift at the library. Maybe if he just turned around and walked away he would forget all about the dark haired man and his mouth.

"Oh my" Damon was alarmed by the receptionist exclamation "Yes I'm sorry for keeping you sir" she said in her most convincing apologetic face but Damon could see right through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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