Electric Love

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Summary: Y/N ends up in a tight situation with Monsieur Neuvillette in an Elevator. What will happen between them while waiting for the power? Will things get hot and steamy or cool and breezy? Stay tuned to find out!

Word count: 1147

Another morning sets it's gaze upon the people of Fontaine, indicating another day of work. You were running like a mad woman, whoever saw you probably was concerned to why you would run at such a speed in the middle of the morning. Well, let's just say your schedule today was a bit too tight for your liking...
"Aaahhh!! The elevator! Please hold it whoever is inside!" And so whoever was inside did what you said. You tripped and crashed on the elevator's floor with a "OOF" sound. "Y/N?" You look up to see the Chief Justice in person Neuvillete staring down at you with concern. Getting back up on your feet, you pick up your agenda and brush off the dust collected on your outfit from the crash. "Ah! Monsieur Neuvillette! I apologize for my behavior, that lacked etiquette and was immature. I'm tangled with my agenda today." You answer and chuckle awkwardly, "I see.." he nods and speaks no further, "How have you been? It's been a while since I saw and spoke to you," you say with a smile on your face. His expression softens and a small smile sculpts on his face, "I appreciate you asking, I've been-" suddenly the elevator stops moving, cutting his sentence short and leaving you alarmed. "D..did the elevator stop working?" You say suppressing the panic in your voice, "It seems so," he answers. "Hello? Is anyone in there!" A stranger from the outside speaks, "Yes we're stuck here!" "Alright don't worry ma'am they are fixing the problem!" "Thank you! Do you know how long it'll take?" "Probably an hour or so." The man answers, "An hour!? Oh I have so much to do!" You say panic laced in your words. "....Don't panic Y/N, maybe it'll take less time." Says Neuvillette.
. ~ 20 minutes later
"*sigh* I have so much to attend to!...I haven't even gotten the chance to get coffee or any breakfast." A pout on your face and your pen in your hand you underline your main events written down in your agenda. You look up to see Neuvillette extending his arm placing a bag of macarons on your agenda, immediately upon seeing the sweet delicacies, your face lights up. "Are you sure Monsieur Neuvillette?" "Hm? Why of course, are you doubting me miss Y/N?" "Ah no that's not what I mean, thank you." You smile and open the bag feasting on the macarons with a cartoony blush on your cheeks. You finish 2 of the macarons with a satisfied expression on your face, you offer the last one to Neuvillette but he declines politely, "You have to attend to a trial I suppose hm?" "I have some paper work to finish before the trial, it was set for an hour later, but giving that we're stuck here I believe I won't be able to attend on time." He says agitation in his voice, "Makes the 2 of us I suppose" you give him a foolish grin. "Thank you again for the macarons monsieur Neuvillette, I appreciate that." Your expression is that of the closed eyed smile now. He turns his face away from yours and you notice how his ears are a peach color. You stand off from the ground and walk towards him, swiping his hair that's blocking his beautiful face. "Are you....blushing? Oh my Archon! I never knew the Chief Justice can get flustered! You're adorable like this!" you say unconsciously while a playful blush is painted on your face with a smile, your hands now squishing his cheeks. His face is covered with a dark shade of red, your playful and innocent nature really isn't aware of how you're making him feel, no actually, ever since he met you he's been aware of the emotions you bring out of him, overwhelming him with feelings he thinks he doesn't understand. At least not his humanoid version understands. "Hehehehe, I gotta write this down and save it as memo-" suddenly you get cut off by Neuvillette grabbing both of your hands and pinning them above your head, your back hitting the cold metal wall of the elevator upon the unexpected impact. "Neu...villete..?" You look at him with a shocked expression, his head facing the floor panting heavily. He makes eye contact with you, this time the blush is lesser than before but there's a playful fire in his eyes. "You really don't know what you're doing...do you." He says with a low voice, the other hand holding your chin, you swear you're hearing purrs rubbing off from his chest. "You make me feel emotions that I cannot explain by words....but I believe my actions might give you an answer to how you make me feel...my dearest." he lifted your chin and kissed you, deeply. His kiss was a mix of a long hidden passion and playfulness, his lips as soft as cotton against your own. He deepens the kiss by slipping his tongue in your mouth, at this moment the world stopped, you forgot everything within this moment. His lips part away from yours and head towards your neck, he starts nibbling on it leaving you breathless. He bites down 'playfully,' making you gasp, his hand letting go or your hands to move to your back pressing you further to him, giving you the privilege to wrap your arms around his neck a huge blush on your face and glossy eyes. He stops and you both pant, his eyes burning with unwavering passion, he caresses your cheek, "This..this is how you make me feel..." he says between pants. You scoff a laugh, "If you liked me you should've just said so. Bit nevertheless I accept your love" he smiles kissing your cheek. The elevator wavers again, which startles the both of you, Neuvillette lets you go and you both fix yourselves after that hot make out session. "I never knew you were that type." "Me neither, guess you bring out things in me I never knew I had." you giggle. *ding!* "A this is my stop, I bid you farewell for now Neuvillette." You give him a playful grin sticking your tongue out, in which he responds with a chuckle, "Farewell Y/N, I'll see you later." He says with a spark in his eyes that your eyes caught for a brief moment. And with that you both took your separate ways for the day. Who knows what else you both will be doing now that you guys are a "thing." A lot of crazy behind closed doors that's for sure.

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