Assasin's Case (Part 2)

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A/N: I apologize for the fucked up oneshot, I was running out of ideas for this fic, but didn't wish to give up on it so I mixed shit up. I hope you enjoy anyway 😭. Fluffy light smut on board.

Word count: 2119

. ~The next day, 10:30 a.m

You're back at the same Cafe you were the evening before sitting on the same exact spot right next to the giant glass window. You were stressed, you were at your breaking point, one little spark ignited a whole fire, thinking you got rid of that spark by using "water" (referring to the plan, disguises and trial). You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice the one and only man of power in Fontaine, known as chief justice Neuvillette standing infront of you. "Pardon me, madam, but are you alright?" Pulling you out of your pit of thoughts, you look straight into his beautiful padisarah eyes. You remain silent not wanting to answer. "I see, I can tell something's bothering you, to discuss further may I sit with you?" You simply nod still refusing to utter a word. He gives you a small smile and settles down infront of you. After a moment of silence between the 2 of you, he spoke again, "You're the lady of the mask aren't you.." "...!?;" *sigh*, as much as you'd want to make your escape by dodging his question, you couldn't bring yourself to because you are certain that he knows the truth, so lying isn't really an option unless you want to end up with a sentence similar to Eliot. "As much as I'd like to tell you the truth, I cannot, I'm sorry." "I see, may I ask why it's a ma-"  "I'm afraid it's a life or death situation monsieur." taken a back by you cutting him off standing up to take your leave, he grabbed your wrist. "Please do not walk away and cut me short, I'd like to suggest a solution to your tangled conflict." Although still taken aback he still manages to say with a gentle voice, no hostility or manipulation was found in his words, so you turned around to face him. "..what's the catch." "There's no catch dear, I understand your caution about me but I really do wish to assist you as the Chief Justice. You've somehow caught my interest when we locked eyes for a moment.." your face lights up slightly by his last saying, the specific word he uses in which you sigh. "Do all fancy people call people dear/darling like it's normal..?" You thought, anyway, "Huh, how come I peaked your interest oh great chief justice?~" you tease. He clears his throat in a way of saying "we're in public" and turns his face away which makes you realize, you became as red as a rose and walked out in a hurry, dragging the chief justice along leaving people with confused and concerned expressions.
. ~ The gyroscope fountain, Court of Fontaine
"I apologize for earlier monsieur Neuvillette, I hope you didn't mind it, I'm a playful and curious person by nature." "It's quite alright....I didn't mind...I actually liked it.." he mutters the last part which you don't exactly catch cuz it comes out as gibberish to your ears. "So...what's your suggestion to my conflict." "A yes, well it's more of a proposal than a solution." You paused for a moment, "Well, proceed, I'm all ears." You reply and he clears his throat again, "Well, my proposal to you is simple, work as my assistant in the Opera, I'll make sure to protect you from the dangerous agency you were working for, and I will get rid of your partners charges so he can be liberated from the Fortress of Meropide. That is if you know how to sign papers, deal with some complaints, etc etc etc" silence, nothing came out of you; you just stared at him trying to process what he was saying. After a while, he finished his rehearsed speech and you answer, "Huh, here I thought you did everything without anyone's help, odd of you to ask me this but I accept either way if it's for the sake of my and my partners life, and as a matter of fact, YES I've dealt with such things before I dedicated my life on the line so I'll be fine! No need to worry your great honor!" You answer sarcastically and in which he gives you a glare noticing your tone, you give him a playful grin in return, earning a sigh from him. "You're regretting this aren't you," ".....Perhaps." "PLEASE don't, I will beg for your mercy if it's the last thing I do to live" you reply "Oh? very well then, get on your knees" he bites back, amused, a small laugh escaping his mouth when he sees your "I'm offended" reaction, making you huff out your cheeks sheepishly and face the other way. "Very well, you shall start your post next week, until then, farewell darling," he pats your head and walks away. You were flustered, "UGH- THIS GUY!!- HES DEFINITELY PLAYING WITH ME. I DIDN'T KNOW HE CAN TEASE????"
. ~ A few months later
When I started the assistant job, it was stressful at first, but throughout the weeks, I got used to it and it's something I enjoy doing because the Opera is quite peaceful during the day, rarely any bustles made unless there was a meeting going on or it was time for a trial. I share the same office as Neuvillette since it is quite huge so I don't have to worry about rushing and getting papers. Eliot was cut off his sentence as promised and works alongside me as my cover up for days I do show up due to personal reasons and made his own co-worker friends. Neuvillette kept us safe, mostly me for some reason as part of the same promise. They tried to get us several times but were stopped by the chief justice from doing so everytime. Eventually, he threatened them with the death sentence that currently held no record; they were even banned from the entirety of Fontaine. Now here I am in the office dozing off instead of signing the assigned papers, smiling to myself. "What are you thinking of my dear?" "Nothing~ just how you'd go as far as killing for me~" You tease, watching his cheeks turn into a peach color without looking up from the paper he's currently signing he replies, "You're supposed to be signing the papers are you not?" "Hmm?..oh yes well your cute face distracted me" you stand up from your desk and make your way towards him. You stand infront of him and smile, "We could use a break dont you think? We've been working hard for the passed 4 hours after all." You say and snatch the feather pen from his hand, he clicks his tongue and takes it back leaving you to pout. "Fineee, I'll be back in 30 minutes then, I'll get myself F/D from my favorite Cafe, would you like anything?" He doesn't respond and you turn around to take your leave, "I didn't say you're allowed to leave. Come here" he says his voice filled with authority, you purposefully keep heading towards the door to get on his nerves, he has been after all very moody because of the piles of stress falling onto him. "Y/N. Here. Now." His voice filled with irritation and a bit of anger, "His voice....SO HOT" you think and you stop from your tracks. "Well, why don't you make me." "..." Before you knew it, he's right infront of you, both arms wrapped around you, he lifts you up and carries you bridal style towards his desk. He settles down with you on his lap, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling and exhaling in relief, "That's better...." he wraps his arms around you and locks you in his embrace. "Here you were telling me to sign the papers instead of taking a break and now you're gonna take a nap using me as your personal body pillow?" "..mmm....." a moment of silence passes by and you speak again, a random idea being transmitted by a zap between your remaining brain cells, "Sunny days are the hot topic in Fontaine these days...there has barely been any rain fall this month, apart this passed week tho, it's been cloudy. Anyway, you think the hydro dragon is hibernating?" "" " think it found a mate and is spending their days happily snuggled with their mate?" "........" "...." "...perhaps." he replies, feeling a small smile forming on his sharp features. You push him off playfully and smile, his smile turning into an offended expression. "I beg your pardon?" He says obviously irritated. You then proceed from sliding out of his embrace leaving him more offended then ever, silence enveloping into the atmosphere once more, you turn to look at him, "Tell me Monsieur Neuvillette, what exactly are we? If you consider me more than a friend and assistant, what am I to you?" He stands up from his chair and stretches relieving the tension from his muscles; after doing so he approaches you and stands right infront of you, staring into your glowing E/C orbs. He proceeds by pulling you closer and lifting your chin. "You my dear, are my vice, my muse, and most importantly..." His breath brushes against your ear, "You're're my mate." That last part makes your face light up a dark shade of red. Before you could even respond, his mouth hovers over your neck and he bites down. Hard. Hard enough to draw out blood. "AKH!-" you hiss, drawing back from his embrace by instinct. You place your hand over the bite mark and your hand gets covered by crimson red liquid. "...why'd you bite me....that hurt you know...." your expression holding pain. Neuvillette's expression shows sadness and guilt, "I apologize my dear I didn't mean to harm you...its just my nature to mark you...." he approaches you making you flinch and back away on instinct again, leaving Neuvillette with a heartbroken expression. "I really don't want to harm you....I truly am sorry...just..let me heal you...I was intending to do that before you backed away...." he approaches you once more, wipes away the blood using a handkerchief, and then proceeds to lick the bite mark. Relief flows your system instantly as the stinging pain dissipates, and he looks into your eyes again. His eyes then shift to your lips which he unconsciously touches, "...may I....?" You nod without hesitation, you want this as much as he does, before he kissed you; you stopped him. "WAIITTT! My hand is covered in blood, I need to wash-" he grabs your hand and wipes the dried blood off using his cape, he then proceeds to grab your chin and kiss you. It was slow but deep, he kissed you like he's been starving himself for days. You never knew he had a possessive side, pretty cliche, but hey you're not complaining. You pull away to breathe but as soon as you do he pulls you back into another kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth, devouring you like you're his last meal. He then proceeds to pull away and sighs a smile forming on his lips upon your beat red face, "I admit I was waiting for this moment" you say as a sly grin forms on your expression, "Oh? Well I suppose I stroke the right moment to do so. I was...afraid of rejection." he admits sheepishly and clears his throat out of humiliation. You giggle, "Oh please how can I ever reject a man like you? You're so kind, sweet, gentle, lovely, pretty, I can describe you with A LOT OF WORDS." He's surprised by your response, a big smile forming on his face, chuckling, "I'm glad we're on the same page." he pats your head, "Now, we need to resume work, if you finish the papers I'll take you to your favorite Café, chérie." "DEAL!" you rush with no second thoughts to your desk and resume your work with motivation burning in your eyes. He laughs slightly by your reaction and goes back to his desk to resume his own work, with you by his side he's sure to finish weeks of work in a few days and spend a week off with you in the entirety of Fontaine.
Ah~ guess you both will live a bright future together won't you?
. ~ Fin

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