
I was kind of hoping he might stay, but I guess that would be weird since we just met and some girl is waiting for him.

We exit the bathroom, and I grab my keys and a jacket before we head out. We take the elevator because trekking down 25 flights of stairs doesn't sound like fun.

After buckling in and starting the car I turn to look at him. "So where to?" I ask since I'm not a mind reader.

"I live across town near Monarch." I nod and start driving. Monarch is a pretty popular restaurant. I haven't been yet but I've heard plesent things.

After a few minutes he decides to break the silence. "So... this is a pretty nice car, and your apartment is fancy. What is it you do for a living?"

I glance over at him and he looks legitimately curious. "I do a little of everything. Mostly just a boring desk job." I say being vague on purpose.

It's not entirely a lie but it's definitely not the full truth. I glance at him again, and he doesn't look like he believes me. I smile and decide to get to know him.

"What is it you do for work?" I question.

"Well... I'm actually a solo artist." He hesitates to go into further detail.

"You sing?" I ask trying to get more information.

"Yeah, a little." He still seems reserved on the career front so I drop it. We talk a little more about nothing in particular, before we arrive at an apartment complex.

"This is it." He says as I pull up. "You can text me if you're interested in doing something again."

"I will." I say as I lean over and undo his seat belt buckle. He looks nervous, and hesitates to leave. "Did you want anything else?"

"Can I kiss you again?" He blushes and looks into my eyes. "It's okay if you don't want too, I just thought you mi-" I cut of his rambling when I press my lips on his.

He instantly starts to kiss me back. After a few moments of the heated kiss I pull back. "I hope that answered your question."

"It did." He smiles in that cute shy way he seems to do when he's flustered. I smile back and he opens the car door and gets out, waving at me before he closes it. I sit there for a moment then drive off.


When I get home I lay down, unable to get Indigo out of my mind. After some tossing and turning, I grab my computer and decided to do some research.

I lay on my bed and search up 'Indigo' unsurprisingly the top results are for the color. I then look up 'solo artist Indigo' and to my amazement a lot pops up.

I scroll through the pages. It says he's 22, a year younger than me. He debuted 5 years ago when he was 17.

His career is great he's done a lot for being so young. I scroll through more and find some of his songs.

I click on the recommended music video. He is dancing and singing. I don't think I've ever seen anything hotter in my life.

His voice is amazing! He can sing and rap. His vocal range is honestly so impressive. I can tell immediately that he is an ace card.

I watch as he moves in a smooth almost erotic way. He's a great dancer and the more I watch, the more I start to feel a little turned on. I squeeze my thighs together trying to create a bit of friction and lesson the ache. It doesn't seem to help.

I bite my lip and reach my hand into my pants. I start touching myself to the thought of him. I listen to his voice and remember the sounds he made earlier, his begging, and his moans. I remember touching him and feeling almost every inch of his smooth skin.

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