Chapter 12: Balance of Power

Start from the beginning

As the group walked, Jaune introduced various parts of the town, pointing out landmarks and the various stores that beaconed the group to shop. All the while, residents greeted him warmly, their interactions a testament to his rapport with the town's people and his integral role in the community.

Ruby, watching the interactions, whispered to Weiss, "Jaune really seems at home here, doesn't he?"

"Yes he does, I suppose that experience in these situations might also have something to do with why he is so at ease with all of this," Weiss replied

"I still can't believe that Jaune is handling so much responsibility. I wonder how he deals with the pressure?" asked Ruby

Weiss took a moment to ponder before answering. "From my observations, Jaune has a remarkable ability to stay calm and collected even in high-pressure situations. It's a trait that is rare even among royalty."

Ruby nodded thoughtfully, "I guess that makes sense. He's always been a natural leader."

The group continued their stroll, passing by a bustling market filled with colorful produce and handmade crafts. As they moved past a fruit stand, Blake paused to admire the neatly arranged piles of apples and oranges. The vendor, noticing her interest, offered her a sample of a juicy peach. She accepted it with a polite smile and took a bite, savoring the sweet flavor. Jaune watched her with amusement, "Trying to stay healthy, Blake?"

She shrugged, "Just keeping my options open."


After dinner, Ironwood motioned for a more private setting. In response, Jaune guided the group to an adjacent chamber, secluded from the rest of the grand hall. The room, though smaller, retained the elegance of the main area, with plush velvet chairs arranged around a finely crafted mahogany table.

As the door closed behind them, muffling the distant sounds of dinner guests, the room's atmosphere grew noticeably more somber. Ozpin, always one for directness, began, "Jaune, the purpose of our visit extends beyond mere pleasantries. There are matters of utmost importance to discuss."

Jaune nodded, gesturing to the seats. "Of course. Let's sit."

As everyone took their places, Ironwood leaned forward, hands clasped. "Jaune, Atlas, and by extension, all of Remnant, recognize the potential power and value of Chaldea. Given the ever-present threats, we propose extending military protection over Mount Arcanus."

Caster Gilgamesh, eyes sharp, interjected, "And what would Atlas want in return, General? Nothing is given freely, especially not from a kingdom with its eyes on the future."

Ironwood met Gilgamesh's gaze steadily. "Collaboration, sharing of knowledge, technology. A unified front against common enemies."

Da Vinci, twirling a strand of hair, chimed in, "A commendable proposition, General. But Chaldea, Site Beta, and Arcadia have always valued their independence."

The atmosphere grew thick with tension, the weight of the conversation pressing on everyone present. Ironwood's gaze shifted to Jaune, silently prompting a response.

Jaune, feeling the gravity of the moment, took a deep breath. "I understand your concerns, General. And I respect them. But we must also consider the long-term implications of such a potential partnership."

Jaune, after a pause to weigh his words carefully, finally spoke, "General Ironwood, while I appreciate the offer for protection, I believe Site Beta, and by extension, Mount Arcanus, can handle its own defenses as has been recently demonstrated."

Ironwood, his brow furrowed slightly, began to counter, but Jaune raised his hand for patience. "However," he continued, "I understand the importance of mutual cooperation and trust. As a gesture of goodwill, I am willing to take Roman Torchwick into our custody here at Site Beta. To add increased security against a proven threat against Vale and her interests. Both Atlas and Beacon will have complete access to him and any intelligence he provides during his stay here."

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