Chapter 12: Balance of Power

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A mouth-watering aroma lingered in the air, as if it were a potent perfume. It was the odor of fresh loaves of bread and spicy sausage patties and peppered bacon and egg frittatas and flaky pastries and trays full of fruit preserves, all baked to perfection. Spices from the kitchen blended with oranges that had been peeled just an hour ago, creating a delectable amalgam that permeated every inch of the estate, making everyone smile and causing them to forget their worries for the moment.

Ruby waited patiently in line for her plate, eyeing the meals as they were devoured by others: fluffy blueberry pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream, gently steaming omelettes cooked to perfection... She grinned at the thought of tasting these dishes.

In the serving area, Jaune grabbed the plates that Emiya held out for him.

"Blueberry pancakes, with a side of bacon and a pot of coffee to wash it down." said Emiya as he moved off to serve other servants and guests. As Jaune made his way to his usual table he spotted the familiar figures of Mash, the Count, Da Vinci, and his team.

"Good morning Senpai," Mash said with a smile.

"Morning, Mash," Jaune replied while pouring himself some coffee. "Are you excited for our trip to Arcadia tomorrow?"

"Yes, absolutely! I'm looking forward to seeing your hometown and meeting your parents."

"Oh no. You better not take this chance to go searching for any embarrassing pictures of me," Jaune joked nervously.

The Count chimed in, "See, you've gone and done it now my accomplice. If she didn't have that intention before, then she certainly must have it now!"

Jaune looked at Mash with a horrified expression. "Mash, tell me you wouldn't do that to me?"

All she could offer him was an awkward grin and eyes that gave nothing away. With a pained expression, Jaune returned to eating his breakfast as the table roared with laughter at his predicament.

At the pancake station, Abby and Nora stood opposite each other. Towering stacks of pancakes were in front of them while the surrounding crowd formed a circle, some placing playful bets. Weiss raised an eyebrow in amusement while Blake whispered a wager to Yang. Ren simply sighed, used to Nora's antics, while Jaune chuckled at the absurdity that was now his life.

The two competitors began their contest with a dramatic countdown. Pancakes disappeared at an alarming rate as Abby devoured plate after plate with stunning speed and determination. Nora fought hard but eventually had to admit defeat when Abby won the contest with her plate completely clean a fraction of a second before Nora's. The hall erupted in cheers and gasps as Abby gave a triumphant giggle while Nora showed her playful pout.


Post-breakfast, the atmosphere of levity persisted as the Beacon delegation prepared to depart for Mount Arcanus. They exited Site Beta, welcomed by the picturesque landscape of the town. Cobblestone paths wound between houses that blended traditional architecture with advanced technology.

As they ventured deeper into the town, children could be seen playing with floating toys, while vendors showcased their wares.

Bracknell approached the group, nodding courteously to the members of the delegation. "Good morning, everyone. I trust breakfast was enjoyable?" After receiving nods and words of affirmation, he turned his attention to Jaune. "Jaune, before we proceed, there are a few details regarding our trip to Arcadia that I want to go over if you don't mind."

Jaune nodded, slowing his pace to walk alongside Bracknell. "Of course. What troubles you about the trip?"

The two engaged in a hushed conversation, occasionally referencing a digital pad Bracknell held. From the expressions and nods exchanged, it was clear that this trip held significance beyond a mere excursion.

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