The Quiet Girl In Class

Start from the beginning

Ms. Hakue is sort of like me, the outcast of the school and student body as a whole. She's very much into what the other girls call"Weird girl" things when in reality she just likes reading and drawing. I understand why I am the weird one though, anyone would be considered the weird guy if you were "Stalking" the popular girl Akam my toxic ex. I never really liked her in the first place but I think I only really went out with her out of pity or something close to that. I was only known in my previous school for getting into fights and always being the clique-scary boy who would always be the last one standing covered in bruises, dirt, and someone else's blood.

I wear seven silver rings that match my black watch, earrings, and leather bracelet. I wouldn't call myself a flashy guy or anything like that, I just wear my clothes and like what I like. That's all, I enjoy wearing my jewelry and wearing my black clothes. I don't wear them for anyone else's entertainment or any weird reason, I'm just comfortable in what I have and Ms. Hakue understands that and respects that. It's probably the main reason I fell for her. She understood me when I felt alone, I never cared about being one of the popular kids and I'm grateful that she started all this so I would never have to be bothered by anyone else and their bullshit but whenever they tried anything on or towards her is when I get pissed off.

I heard the sounds of her watch beeping, we both looked up and saw it as the alarm flashed us. "Well, we better get going." She said she was putting her underwear back on as I just watched her, she looked over at me and we met eyes. "Wh-what's wrong?" She asked, I stood up and walked over wrapped my arms around her, and deeply kissed her. "Stay with me tonight." I only said. Ms. Hakue lives with her mom who she says barely notices her. I live on my own in my apartment and I desperately want her to move in with me. "R-Ryuichi..." I held onto her as we hugged. "Y-you won't be mad?" "No, I want you to stay." She was quiet but still held onto me with a slightly tighter embrace. "I-if you don't mind then...I guess I can..."

We were holding onto each other when her watch alarm sounded off once again, we both smiled as we let each other go to change. "You have a backpack, can you carry my panties?" She asked I was turning when she threw them into my face and I happily nodded. "Of course, you can wear my boxers for now." I threw them at her as she happily slipped them on. "Silky smooth." My boxers gave a clear line of how her body is, the curves and all. We were both walking in the afternoon air as we reached my apartment and I unlocked it, letting her in first before closing it behind me. "Sorry it's a little dirty, I hope you don't mind," I said she left her shoes there at the entrance while I was busy undoing my laces. "No worries, what do you have in the fridge?" I could hear the small tapping of her tiny feet hitting my wooden floors.

I followed her as she had her head stuck deep in my fridge. I felt a little ashamed that I never really cook for myself so I probably don't have ingredients or even basic food items. "You have some eggs and bread, do you have seasonings?" She asked, I turned my head reached into the cupboard, and pulled out two bottles. "Uhh, cinnamon and an empty bottle of vanilla." I shook both bottles to see I was also almost out of cinnamon. "Hmm, got syrup?" "I don't think so, do you want to hit up the convenience store on the corner?" "Oh, b-but I don't have anything money." She looked sad for a moment. "I got it this time, I want to treat you." I held out my wallet, she smiled as she ran over and hugged me. "Fine, I want ice cream when we get there." She was happily jumping up and down while holding onto my arm, I kissed her forehead as we both walked back to the entrance and we slipped on our shoes.

Where I live I'm glad there is a small convenience store on the corner that is a ten-minute walk at most, I usually head down there for a small bag of chips or if I ever need a soda. We were walking in together laughing and joking as we walked toward the back where the drinks and some extra cool ingredients were. "I got your ice cream, what else did we need?" I asked, Hana jumped onto my arm as she held a small plastic bag. "I got the cinnamon and vanilla." She perked her head up and looked at me with squinted eyes. "What do you have behind your back?" I swallowed hard as I looked away. "N-nothing..." I suddenly felt the bag get ripped out of my hands when she held it proudly. "Chips?" "Hey, you never said anything about snacks." We both laughed.

We were getting checked out at the register, I had my card in and was now just waiting on the cashier. "Ryo?" I heard someone ask, Hana and I both looked up and over to see a girl standing there with a guy who had his arm wrapped around her and was holding to waist. "Oh uh, hey Kami, didn't think I'd uh...see you here." "Y-yeah, me neither." We were all standing there quiet and awkward. "W-would you like your receipt, sir?" The cashier asked, I was more than excited that they helped. "Yes, thank you very much." I grabbed the paper from him and grabbed Hana's hand as I walked the both of us out. "So, you are going out with her huh?" I heard Kami say, I didn't turn back, the last thing I need right now is Fargo and I got into a fight. "Yeah, we are, I hope you and Fargo are happy together," I said without turning around.

I kind of felt bad rushing the both of us back to my apartment, Hana was more silent than usual whenever she saw our classmates. "A-are we?" I heard her ask, and I was thrown off by her question. "Weren't we?" I asked, I was turning toward her when Hana suddenly jumped on, tackling me to the ground, our lips were held together as I saw her teary eyes stare back at me. She slowly lifted as a thin line of drool grew from our departed lips. "I-I love you." She calmly said I could feel my tears build up as I held onto her. "I love you too Hana."

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