My Weird Neighbor

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I've always lived in a pretty simplistic and rule town, my family lived on more of the outskirts of our town so saying we got regular visitors would be foolish, however this wasn't always the case. My name was Xi and I've lived with my parents for most of my life, it wasn't until I recently turned 25 when both my parents went over seas to South America leaving me and the house alone for so long. At times it was really lonely as I worked from home for a pretty respectable Corporation. The Nobody's were gracious enough for me to be their main website designer and editor but as there was little in terms of issues or problems I mainly had nothing to really do besides reply to business emails and phone calls.

"Xi come on, y-you need to eat." She said with a soft voice, I looked up from my plate of homemade food. "Oh sorry, I guess work's just been on my mind for awhile now..." She grabbed my hand with her soft and delicate fingers. " work too much, take a vacation, your mother would agree with me." "Mother would agree with you for a lot more things than just that, still though, thank you for the food as always Yuli. I really do appreciate it." She giggled at my statement. "Well someone has to take care of you dummy." The sound of the giant clock in the next room rang throughout my home. "Well I guess I better be taking my leave, see you tomorrow night Xi." She grabbed her bag and coat and headed for the door. "Hold on, let me just grab my jacket and keys!" I yelled.

Yuli and I have been neighbors for as long as I could remember. Her family lived just down the road from us so we've been friends just as long, we even went to the same school all the way up until graduation. Yuli had always been such a beautiful girl but was always distant from everyone besides me growing up. She's had countless people claim their love for her and you curvy body but she has yet to agree to someone. As far as I know I am her only friend. 

"Burr...its cold out tonight." "Yeah it is, are you sure you don't want to just stay at my place, I can get a room ready for you like we use to as kids?" "C-come on we're adults now Xi...d-doesn't that embarrass you just by saying that?" "Hmm...not really I guess." " dummy!" The sound of thunder over head cut off our conversation when suddenly the lights in my house all went dark, the light coming from my car was the only source of light we had for miles. "Dang it..." "Yeah, did you ever get those keys yet for your house?" "No just that dumb electronic lock dad got..." Without even saying anything the both of us turned and walked back in, I sat Yuli in the living room while I went out and grabbed us some candles.

"I told you we need those new generators, the electricity of these old houses just can't hold up anymore." "Ugh I know but my dad won't listen, he thinks that my streaming and working won't blow out the house anymore..." " long did that last?" "Two days ago just before he left for work again. I think I will have to talk with Sebastian on ordering that new generator with my own money." "Not a bad idea, I just told my parents about it and they said they'll work on it After they come back." "Geez so how long will that be?" "I would say probably a month."

The sound of heavy rain mixed with the loud boom of thunder reined on over us as the night went on. "Well looks like this storm will be here for a while, I'll go set up Amanda's old room if you're ok with that?" "I can just sleep on the couch, its not that much of a big deal you know?" "Yeah but its been getting really cold in here recently, I don't want you getting sick anymore than you have to." "Ugh fine, thank you as always..." "No problem, that bag is still in my closet where you left it so if you want to go and get ready for a shower while I set up her room is fine." "I hope you didn't do anything weird with it..." "Of course I wouldn't what do you take me for?" Yuli humphed behind me as she whispered something to herself. "Sorry what was that?" "Nothing! Humph!" She stood and with a candle in one hand she headed toward the stairs and up into my room with a fair and loud door slam.

She's always been like this ever since we were growing up. Especially when I told her about my first girlfriend. She has always had this cold side to her and another side almost no one knowns about or has ever seen. I walked upstairs and into my sister's room when I heard the soft sounds of light footsteps walking over toward me. I looked over my shoulder and saw her standing there with my yellow and black pillow squished between her arms and chest. "I'm sowwy..." I stood and walked over as I patter her head. "I've told you a million times already, its fine. Did you go shower yet?" She was silent as she buried her mouth into my pillow. "No nowt yet..." I sighed under my breath. "That's fine, let me go and grab my lantern and I'll leave it in the bathroom for you, the bed is ready for you whenever you feel tired ok?" "Ok...thankies..." "Its fine, I'll be in the kitchen working ok." "Otays..."

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