My First Time

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"Hey Sony did you see what the report for the next few days would be like?" He asked in the living room, I was busy putting a few pots and pans away as he said that. " I didn't but I know campus already sent out emails that no one's expected to show up for the next few days." "Not even online?" "No because a lot of the teachers aren't going to be able to show up and some flat out said they don't expect any of us to really try because of the holidays." "I mean I guess that makes sense...did you finish up on that report for English?" "No I'm still trying out a different story now, the first one just wasn't working so she said I could change it as long as I make it either 20 pages or at least 25." "Jesus that's a lot?" "Not really sense my last story was almost at 50." "Still doesn't kill you to relax, you do a lot and you need your time off." "I mean yeah but that's the reason I'm studying to become a writer." I walked into the living room and sat next to him as I grabbed the blanket and threw it over the both of us.

I've been with my boyfriend for roughly twenty years, we've known each other for almost our whole lives. We grew up with each other, went to the same preschool, elementary, middle school, highschool, and now college. We started dating in middle school after a bunch of girls tried going after him and he was both sick and scared of them all. Mercy, my boyfriend, is considered a rare type of guy here sense we don't have a lot of tall white boys here in Argentina, me on the other hand is your average short girl who is, and I won't lie about myself, a little to curvy on the ends. Mercy's dad comes from England and due to work had to leave both his mom and him there as he didn't have the correct papers to live there with the two of them.

Mercy is 6'8 and weighs over 238 lbs. He's covered in tattoos, jewelry, and piecing's but thanks to his super long silky black hair that he gets from his mom its impossible to really see his face. Mercy has always been on the most antisocial side of everything to the point his only real friends are me, my sister and my sister's girlfriend which now that I'm saying kinda sad.

My name is Sony, I'm 5'5 and weigh about 190 lbs. I only really have a bracelet my mom bought me and the necklace my dad gave me after my first communion but other than those two things, I don't really dress up. I typically wear your average nerdy girl clothes and even have the Harry Potter like glasses to match. I wouldn't call me your typical social butterfly but more like a flea in that I don't mind being in semi big groups but anything with typically more than 10 people I'd start to get a little self-conscious and would typically want to leave back to places where I could be alone but with Mercy around, those feelings would never come, with him around, I'd always just be happy there with him by my side.

As I wrapped the blanket next to us we heard some wining behind us. "Why does she always get jealous when we're like this. Come on girl, you too." He said reaching behind the couch. "Maybe its because she doesn't like people getting to close to her daddy, come here baby girl." I said reaching as well. Mercy slowly lifted out pet Doberman, she's turning 6 in a few more months. "Come on just because I've had her for this long doesn't mean much." I scoffed at him. "You do realized that You helped give her birth, raised her from a literal infant, took care of her better than most professionals, and even got her to behave when she really shouldn't have been. She is your baby." I said, we were both petting her as we tucked her in with us.

"I got the feeling that its more she's just cold and she wanted some blanket." He said, I looked around a little. "Than where's hers?" We both looked around us when we saw it just underneath my legs. "Oops, maybe its because I'm on her blanket. Here you go baby, here you go." I sat her blanket in her favorite spot on the couch next to us as she happily barked and quickly dashed to her spot and curled around herself. "Well its going to be a long few nights so lets make sure she stays warm for tonight, that crazy winter storm will be here by tomorrow morning." Mercy said, I clutched onto the blanket. "Well its a good thing we have everything we'd need throughout the storm days." "It should just be throughout the weekend and maybe into Monday afternoon but we'll wait to see everything."

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