The Quiet Girl In Class

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I usually sat in the right back corner of the classroom where its the most silent. Moving past the sounds of the noisy students sat the quiet girl of the class, Hana Hakue, sat directly to my right. She is someone who everyone moves past but someone I deeply notice every single day. When the class nell suddenly charmed, signaling the end of the school day. Some students were making plans for both the weekend and that they were doing after school, while others gathered their things and either went home or to their afterschool activities. I on the other hand stood in front of my desk, carefully resting my bag on my back, and walking out of the classroom. I moved past the cafeteria and library, finding myself in the back of the building where no one else heads to or could ever be found.

"Good afternoon Mr. Ryuichi, how are you?" I heard someone ask, I turned my head to see Hana standing there, looking toward the ground with her left foot on her toes, doing small circles in the dirt. "Hey, Ms. Hakue." I simply responded, she walked over and sat next to me, something I wasn't used to happening in a very long time. The wind blew past us, sending a nice cool chill over me while Hana on the other hand shivered. I reacted by wrapping an arm around her and bringing her in close while also letting her wear my jacket, I didn't want to admit it but, Ms. Hakue was... soft and she smelled sweet, almost like strawberries. "Why are you here Ms. Hakue, it is cold, and a girl like you should be home," I said in worry.

She ran her hand over mine and curled her fingers into mine, holding onto my hand in hers. Her hand was small and delicate, she had to suck feminine hands compared to my slightly hairy and veining hands. "Your hands are cold." She said almost in a whisper, I held onto her. "You're...v-very warm..." I said she held onto me as I held onto her. Another big gust of wind hit us, I held onto her as she dug herself into my chest. "It's cold out here, we should go somewhere warm," I said, Ms. Hakue looked at me as I lifted her and carried her on my back. "So, where do you want to go to warm up?" I asked, I started walking forward when Ms. Hakue laid her head on my back. "C-can we go to the spot?" I heard her shyly ask, I stared forward as I continued to walk. "Of course." I only said, thanking god that she couldn't see my blushed face.

The spot where she's talking about is a small shed-like structure near the abandoned river behind a forgotten dam covered with moss and grass that has a lake filled with tree branches and probably some dead fish. I carried her all the way and sat her down carefully on a mossy blanket that wouldn't hurt to be washed a little, even just a small cup of bleach would change that slight green color back into a better white color. I sat next to her as we watched the water move with the wind, she was holding onto my arm as we sat there. "I'm still cold, can we go inside?" "Mhm, of course." We stood up and walked into the small shed, I laid her down and laid above her as we looked at each other. Her white hair was spread all over the floor and pillow. Her black eyes looked up at me. My red hair slightly fell over my face as I looked down at her. "Your cheeks are red," I said, she reached up and held onto my cheeks. I could feel her cold hands on my cheeks as we looked at each other.

Her ruby red lips looked so soft, and her deep, black eyeliner showed off her big and beautiful brown eyes. Her snow-white skin brightened compared to my dark tan skin. "You look so soft," I said, she was slightly bigger than most of the other girls which wasn't hard to do with them resembling thin shafts of bamboo. "You look tired, your eyes are darker than usual." I felt her thumb swim near my eye just on my skin, her black nails weren't as sharp or as long as they used to be. I could feel her wrap her thick legs around my waist making her skirt fall and exposing her thin, silky white panties that were hiding underneath her small red skirt.

It quickly escalated and before I knew it, we were cuddling after an hour-long session, the fastest we've ever been together. I was completely nude with her, a thick blanket covering her entire being while only my lower half was covered. I was resting my head on my arm as she laid her head on my chest, sleeping peacefully while I just stared at the ceiling above me thinking about how this all started.

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