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Have you ever felt…faceless?
In the mirror painting your face with pretty colors,
still not really seeing who you truly are.
Filters that disguise you in animals and animation,
hiding the tears that won't stop,
and the fears that continue to rot.

Have you ever felt…faceless?
Being the only person that doesnt know their face?
A reflection doesn't replace a face,
A face doesn't replace a soul.
Rabbit hole of expectations fueled by the influence,
the need to keep up, the desire to be someone else.
Happiness achieved in a brief moment when you look your best,
sadness and guilt coming in next for dropping the mask and living in comfort.

When looks fade, like a flash in a pan, what's next?
Do you try to gain wisdom from the ones who chose not to adapt?
Do you break all mirrors that rubberband the truth?
Or do you break free from the drug of clout?

Maybe, all along, being faceless was the goal.
To have your soul orb brightly,
to have genuine connections reach you.
Because when it's all said and done, we'll no longer carry this shell anymore that holds the face,
So I guess we're back where we started, faceless.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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