Chapter 2

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Viktor watch in amusement as he watch his niece and nephew create a foil like kite before using their father's tricycle to lift the foil kite up as Robby raise his hand as he hold his phone up to get a signal before he got it. "Yes! I got it!" Robby cheered as Mo cheered as well. Viktor just chuckle as he class his hands together while smiling.

" that's impressive." Viktor said before Robby's phone started ringing which is Alex as calling. "Kids! dinner's ready! is your uncle with you as well? he's going to join us tonight." Alex said before noticing the bike." Is that my bike??" Viktor laugh a bit before kneeling beside Robby." We'll be there in the minute." he said before pressing the red button, ending the call before standing up as he looks at the two." Come on. Time to go." he said as he gently help the two get down before entering the house.

"So glad you get to stay here for dinner uncle! would you stay for a night??" mo asked him making Viktor froze before shaking his head as he pulled the chair back before sitting down." Sorry Kiddo, cant. I have busy schedule tomorrow." Viktor said while smiling softly at her making Mo sigh." Its okay uncle Viktor, I understand." she said before Dot and her start playing thumb war making Viktor chuckle before looking at Robby, who was busy typing on his phone.

"What did the pretified boy say about my cooking? it rocks" Alex said as he place down the dish in front of Robby while Viktor snort a bit before snickering." thats a bad joke." he pointed out making Mo giggled while Dot rolled her eyes before smiling at her husband." You rock." before she and Alex shared a kiss before pulling away." especially when you make a hungry park ranger her favorite food." she said as Viktor chuckle before he was ready to eat but stop when he hears robby's none stop texting making him look over to him.

Robby felt the stares before looking up and he saw his parents, his sister and his uncle were staring at him making him smile sheepishly at them. " son, put that away. You know we dont do phones at the table." Alex said to him as Viktor start to ate slowly.

"Just, one more text??" robby plead." Connect with us Kiddo. This is our special family time." Dot said as Mo let out a victory cheered as she won the thumb war." I WIN!" which made Viktor chuckle as he took a bite of his food. " hey! no fair." dot chuckle at her daughter.

"I know that feeling." robby mumble as he start poking his food. Then everyone went silence as Viktor could sense the tension at that. 'Oh boy.' thought Viktor as he took another bite of his food. Then dot decided to fixed the sudden tension." I was thinking, maybe tomorrow we can help you unpack your room and get rid of all those moving boxes??" she suggested as Alex agree with his wife." yeah, you could even pick a color and we'll paint." he said before Robby growl before slamming his fist on the table." I dont want new paint!" he said making Viktor rear back, uncomfortably as he look between them.

'i was not expecting this to happen.' thought Viktor as he took a last bite of his food. " i miss my old room in our old house. Can't we please just move back to philly??" Robby plead.

Viktor watch as the family argued in front of him as he frown at that before Robby stood up and left the food growling as he stomp his way to his room. Viktor flinch at how loud robby slammed the door shut before he sigh." I think he just misses his home thats all." Viktor said as he look at the two parents." Let him take his time. After all, moving away seems pretty new to him." he said before standing up." Thank you for the dinner, but i have to go now." he said to them." Okay, goodnight Viktor. Be careful out there." Dot said as Viktor nodded before grinning softly at Mo." take care of each other Mo. You and Robby need to stick together." Viktor said as Mo grin at her uncle." I will Uncle Vik." she said as Viktor grin before ruffling her hair making her giggle." That's my niece. Welp! time for me to go!" he said as he wave good bye to the family as he left the house.

Once he was few feet away from the house, he make sure to look around if anyone saw him before he disappeared through the swirl of the wind.


Robby left the house with his parents knowing that he was trying to run away. However, Mo saw him leaving before deciding to follow him from behind. They didnt know that aqua-green eyes were watching them before following them quietly, making sure that they didnt hurt themselves.

"we're not supposed to bike alone after dark!" Mo manage to reach up to her brother." Where are you going??" Mo asked as Robby just look at her before focusing on biking a head." My real home. Philly!" he yelled before peddling faster. "You cant ride your bike all the way to philly!" Mo yelled at him as she continued to follow him from behind.

"slow down!" she yelled before she gasp when she heard her bike chain pops and rattles." I dont have turbo legs!" she said before she start grunting as she try to keep up but she seems slowing down. Robby skid himself to stop before looking at his sister, who hops out of her bike to check whats wrong.

Robby went to her as he gave her a serious look on his face." I fix this, then you go." he said to her." Got it??" mo nodded with a frown on her face as Robby began to fixed her bike. Then she notice something from a far as she stood up. She saw a car was driving over." Uh, robby??" she said making Robby look over and froze to see vehicles were coming." Come on!" yelled Robby as he grabbed his sister's wrist as they began to run but stop when spider looking robots stood at their way making them back up in fear." what is that.?!" mo yelled fearfully as Robby stood in front of her protectively as he looks between the spider robots then to the vehicles.

He didnt know what to do before he and his sister heard a man voice speak through the mind.

"Hold on. Im getting you two out of there."

"what??" Both robby and Mo asked in surprise and confusion before both of them gasp when a gust of winds start to swirl around them before they felt themselves getting lift off the ground before carrying them away to safety. As the winds carried the two far away before the winds settle them down on the ground safety before it disappeared.

"what was that??" Mo asked in shock after what she just witnessed. Robby start checking his sister if she have any injuries or such." you okay mo??" he asked worriedly. "I'll be better when im further away from those spider things." she said as she shivered in fear." yeah. But aleast we were saved by some voice though. . . he must use the wind to carried us away." Robby pointed out.

"But who is that anyway??"

"I am not sure."

At the tree, Aqua-blue eyes watch them as the figure let out a relieved sigh before looking at the bridge where the figure could see the smoke coming from it before narrowing its eyes at it then look back at the kids, making sure they are okay.

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