Day 7 - A week stay already

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Oct 4 2023

3:02am - I woke up sweaty so I turn the Aircon on after emptying my bladder. Ah, refreshing. Dang it. I never expect I would sweat like a pig without the Aircon. I change position since I soak my original bed place. Good thing I didn't pee on bed. That would be a disaster.

8:57am - went to nearby market with anty langsa to buy veggies. She bought kohol or shellfish for me to cook. There is no tomatoes and the onion is too many so the only condiments available are garlic and ginger. So I will deshell them and stir fry then add soy sauce. That will suffice. Now I need to soak the shellfish in water to get them out easily.

6:53pm - I took a nap. I thought I woke up early but now it seems I woke up late since the laundry would take an hour. I'm hoping it would be done before anty langsa return which is usually 8pm. I should have put the blankets in before cooking. That's a waste of time. Gosh I'm really not up to date. It takes time for things to load unlike before. What happened to my brain. It turned to paste. How aweful. Anyway, I'm really envious on the indoor pool right in front. I want to go. I want to take a dip since it's not deep. Heck, I'm itching to swim even if I don't know how to. A kiddie pool is best for me. I want to go. Oh how I want to go. Aiya, next time I will choose an employer with a pool which isn't too deep. Just about my height will do. Hehe. But I'm a bit conflicted. My soon to be employers are said to be great. I plan on staying for only 2 years and apply to Israel or Finland as caregiver. After all thats why I took that course. But I'm tempted to stay for 5 years with a great employer especially since the work isn't that harsh here in Macau. Although the pay is lower compare to offers from Singapore, Hong Kong and Saudi. My monthly rate as caregiver is 6k for all 3countries. Convert to peso would be about 30k plus. It's a skilled job so it's time bound. I won't do the housekeeping or labor force which is why I like being a caregiver compare to a domestic helper who has to work all around with lower pay. Anyway, I will check if things are smooth here. I also heard that anty langsa will only stay for 5 years given that she is already 54. I'm not sure but she is in that age bracket so I guess she will retire on her 60s. The youngest child of the employers is currently 9 so he will be 14 once anty langsa do retire. It's a good timing. The employers may also stop hiring at that time. I'm also concerned about the Chinese government taking over Macau. There is yet 8-10 years as I recall. Once the Chinese government take over, it will be bad. With the dispute over the ownership on the sea routes, it will affect the ofws no less. I just hope Israel opens up in 2 years time.

08:24pm - anty langsa came back. Good news. I'm starting to work tomorrow. Phew. Now I need to wait for anty langsa to call me for a whole body massage. Im eager to start my massage journey. No restart since thats my part time job at Philippines. Massage needs constant application since one may forget what to do. I am starting to forget Thai and shatsui massage ever since I started doing wellness message. Anyway, good tidings for me. I'm finally starting to work and I would be taking my things up to my employers place since I would be stay in with a room. Jeez, a room. Gosh that's going to be awkward. I hope anty langsa stays with me for the first night so I won't be too - umm - you know. Also I need an itenirary. When to wake up and serve and what to do for the whole day. I need a job description.

10:01pm - done massage for anty langsa. Wow. She got quite a lot of fixing especially at her back and hips area. The lower limbs are also full of nodules. Her upper limb so far is okay. I didn't get to massage the front part so I stretched from back to front. I want to do more but she may not be able to wake up tomorrow if I really press on all those nodules. She needs maintainance. She did mention having massage once a month which is good so I didnt hesitate to break down the big nodules. But the bed is too low so my back hurts since I have to squat and more of bend down. It's not an open table. I did consider going on top but that's not an option. She might freak out. She is laying with her head side ways you know.

Dang, I want to be massaged too. I want to experience being massaged differently. Not in a spa. They dont do wellness massage there. My massage is for stroke patients so I'm on the light side. I can do heavy but that would be too tiring. Oh right, anty langsa mention that I need to exit to Hong Kong this Saturday or Sunday, depending on what the immigration would say tomorrow. But I don't know how so let's wait and see. 🙏

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