Day 4 of work

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Oct 8, 2023

3:07pm - good. I'm done with my work at around 2pm. So I'm just sitting here for more work. But I forgot that the youngest need to be feed. So he didn't eat his portion. Even I won't eat mine if it's that tasteless yeah. Also he don't eat hot food. So I have to prepare ahead of time and cool the food then sit down to watch him eat. Gosh I'm so focused on my cleaning that I didn't consider the child needs supervision. Well, even my youngest Nobita would only eat like 2 spoons if not watched.

Im good but I need the trash to fill so I can go blow my nose. Also my toothbrush. Why did I lie when asked yesterday about it. So pathetic. I need to find the extra toothbrushes here so I can clean my mouth. It's been 3days. Counting 4today. I did gargle and use my fingers this morning but that's not enough. I can feel my teeths starting to act up.

9:13pm - I restart my work at 3pm. Collect the dried laundry and wait for a while to iron them. The male employer called me to wash the lettuce leaves and cook rice for the dinner. I had to remove what I cooked in the pan then wash it and ready for cooking. I didn't slice the lettuce leaves cause it will be up to the male employer what he will do since he said he will cook it himself.

By 5:30 I have to feed the youngest but he is playing with his father so I can't possibly call the child over to eat. I check but anty langsa is not online. Good thing winsy is active so I asked if it's ok to delay the child's dinner. She replied ok. But then the food will be cold so I put it on the small rice cooker to keep warm.

By 6pm, the father started to cook and the mother came to see. They are speaking in Chinese so I can't grasp what they are talking but from the tone the wife seems to be teasing the husband. They are warm family. Then the wife told me to take a plate and get my food. We will eat together and I can also cook if I want other food. I'm used to eating in a corner waiting on the employer but this family doesn't seem to like that. They won't let me eat on the kitchen or on my room. I have to eat on the sala with or without them. They also prepare their own utensils. The mother would even wash their own once the meals are over. They are not the typical employers who need to be waited on. Im even being ashamed. I came here as a hired help but they don't seem to need me. Well, laundry and cleaning aside. If it's like this then I got myself good employers. But I still prefer being a caregiver. Also it would be nice to have work for 8 hours non stop then off. It's really not nice to the heart when I finished work and have nothing to do. The employers don't order me for everything which is awkward. Besides Im not used to touching others stuff. Here, I am free to do so and even re arrange the items. I am not obliged to return them as they are. As anty langsa said, I must tidy things up.

Phew, luckily the typhoon didn't come too much. It's supposed to be signal number 8 but no rain much. Even at noon. It's only now that there are bigger droplets. Hopefully it stays that way until tomorrow. Oh my, I think I need to pee but as usual I will wait till morning. I'm shy going to the toilet which is very near the masters bedroom. The flush is too loud. I'm not sure the rooms here are soundproof though.

It's already my 4th day but I still have lots to learn. Good thing the employers aren't pressuring me. Especially when dealing with the electrical appliances. Even the stove is different. Aiya, this is a high end place. I'm a bit stuck but I will learn. Definitely.

Note: Yey. The child finish his meal. Phew. Thank God. I redeem myself. He barely touched his meal I prepared at the morning. Now I made sure to mix everything and cut them to bite size pieces. I also didn't crisp the bacon and egg. The mother find the meal on the small rice cooker and give it to the child. Even with no supervision, the child finish the meal. Maybe cause he eat with the family. The last 3 days the child often eat first cause the family eat at about 7pm and last until 9pm. Also I sat on the sofa which is behind where the child usually sat. He got shy and went to sit to the older members of the family. The table has 4 chairs for the 4 older members but the oldest child is at Hong Kong and don't usually eat here.

Ouch, my stomach is in pain. Why? It's not my menstrual cycle yet. I'm sure it's not the case. Maybe from food? And I did raise my hips up to the wall for about 15 minutes just cause I remember that will flatten my belly. But the pain is tolerable. Anyway if there is no big typhoon tomorrow the family will go out and I can solo the toilet for some time.

I didnt take a bath today. I got shy since the employers are here. I'm not really sure if it's okay to take a bath at 4pm or once I'm done with cleaning work. Luckily it's raining so the temperature is low. But I did sweat a lot. Also thank goodness, my feet don't hurt that much anymore. My wounds have also healed and aren't stinging. But my right toe is still feeling swollen. I try checking. It's not the so called ingrown. Aiya, I'm being farty again. I don't want to open the window. Beware of mosquitoes. And the breeze outside is cold. Like seabreeze. It's really near the sea here.

Things to do from now on:

☑️ Do not put hot water on plastic.

☑️ Never assume it's Tupperware. Plastic is plastic.

☑️ Make sure to properly mix the kids meal and cool it down. Keep it warm.

☑️ Do not turn on the eating utensils dry function early. The employers may still eat something. Do so before going to bed.

☑️ Do not forget that the stove is different. It won't let up immediately.

☑️ Be careful with the turning of knobs. The heater uses gas so always turn right when facing the knobs.

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