chapter 4

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**Grace **

Today was so fun and relaxing I thought I wouldn't never have this much fun. Now everyone is just chilling outside the pool and I'm pretty sure everyone dry. I put on my sunglasses and lean back on the chair. The sun not that out but there is a sunset and also because I don't want no one to know if I fell asleep. I look to my side and no one talking. there all laying back on something or someone. Kenize laying on her stomach and looking at Seth as he seats next to her but on the floor. He looks at her a whisper something but I don't know. I smile at them and look forward at the view.ah the view of Rochester Minnesota.

"What time is it? "I hear someone say

"7:30pm"someone else said.
Shit I should go home. Cause then everyone at home going to take a shower and the water would turn cold. I have to do my home work and go to sleep Early.I sat up and stretch out. Standing up and took of my sunglasses.

"Hey I'm out "I said and everyone nodded
"Byee "I hear everyone say as I leave the backyard. I wave back and head out the door saying bye to kenzie mom. It's dark outside so I'm going to run home. I hate being out at Night. I jogged home and walked up to the door when I got there. I try to open the door but my shaky hands wouldn't let me. I gave up and knocked on the door. Second later the doors opens and Mason is standing there.

"It's me can you open the door"I said and he chuckle and moved out the door. I walked in and took off my jacket.

"Where you in the pool? "He asked. I looked around the house then nodded

"Yea.. don't say Nothing "I said and turned to walk upstairs but then stop when Mason yelled

"Ooo you in trouble! grace was at the pool!"

"Mason shut up"I yelled whisper "no I wasn't! "I yelled and he chuckle

"I'm just playing there not home it's only me you and ed "he says

"Really? "I said and flipped him off and ran upstairs to take a shower.. Ugh gotta love this family..

**Mackenzie **

When everyone left I took the time and started picking up the mess.I can't see messes anywhere. It drives me crazy. I put the towel where the hamper is and the cups on the table making sure they don't fall.I grabbed the stick for the pool and took out the stuff inside of it.strong arms wrapped around my waist and I jump. I looked to the side and it was Seth.

"God boy I throught you left "I say laughing and putting the stick down he shake his head and laughs along.

"I was helping your mom in the kitchen "he say and unwrapped his arms and took the cups inside. Seth is so nice. He from Australia so his accent is strong. What made him come over here I don't know but be always told me he's glad to because he meet me. I smile and bring in the hamper inside. I close the door and my mom and Seth are talking I smile at them and put the hamper where the washer machines are. I walked back and sat next to Seth.

"What we talking about? "I asked and Seth grabbed my hand

"Well Nothing honey "my mom says and turn around and looked through the fridge. I look at Seth and he had an apologize look. I shrugged my shoulder and put my head down. Then my phone goes off.I grabbed it and looked at the caller's Rachel.. Fu** .

"Hello?"I said more as a question and mom and Seth looks at me. I excuse my self from the kitchen and walked out.

"Hey I have to tell you something.. can I come over? "She says and I look back and Seth looks over his shoulder and smiles. I smile back and turn back around

"Umm yea "I say

"Okay see u" the phone hangs up and I go upstairs to wash up.

When I got out the shower I got dressed and walked back downstairs. I went to walk to the kitchen but the door Bell ringed.

"Ill get it "I said and open the door to see Rachel. I think God it was dark because I rolled my eyes. I let her in and close the door behind me. She smiles and takes the sofa and I sit across from her. I entwined my fingers and looked at her.

"So What you wanted to talk a about ?"I asked and she sighs. This is not good.

"Okay listen well"she say and I nod

"Okay, so..I don't know how to say this... but.. Seth "she says and looks up I look up to see him walking over her..what was she going to say? Seth sat down next to me.

"So what was you saying? "I asked

"Oh I was saying that I'm not going to school tomorrow "she says and I nod my head slowly. She's hidding something. She gets up and leaves out the door with out saying another word.

"What was that all about?"seth asked

"I duno "I say and got up to walk to the kitchen but Seth grabbed my wrist and turned me around bring me into a kiss.I smile onto the kiss and so does he. I pull away and look at him

"I've been waiting all day to do that "he says and I smile

"You know you could do it when ever "I say and he nods

"I know but I didn't want to do that in front of our friend "he says and I smile giving him another kiss. That what I love about him his shy to do things in front of our friend. I pull away and hugged him

"Okay ill see you tomorrow "he say minutes later and I nod pulling away from him and walking to the door. He kisses my cheek and waves goodbye.

"Text me when you get home "I tell him

"I would love "he say and walked down The street. I smile and close the door behind me. My mom appears and smiles at me.

"You like him Huh?"she says and I smile more. Or should I say blush

"Duh mom "I say and laugh and she laughs along

"I mean you like him a lot as in don't want to lose him for anything "she says and I nod

"I mean he's a really nice person and I know he won't hurt me "I say and she smiles. She walks up to me and hugs me

"Young love "she says

"Moomm "I say and she laughs. I pull away and she kissed my forehead

"Get some sleep"she says and I nod walking up to my room and Going to bed.

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