Daryl sat down and played the tape "19 months at sea. Hoping to stay ahead of this thing.  Nowhere's safe. We'll try Marseille next. Maybe the south of France is good. There's got to be a safe place somewhere. Sue had a heart attack. We had to let her go. I had to... take care of it. Our 10th anniversary would've been in June.  Honey keeps crying.  She wants her mum back.  She wants peace, the way they were.  She wants to go home.  "

I sighed "we all do"

Daryl looked at me. 


Daryl had caught some fish earlier and was frying it on the fire. 

He walked over to me with a plate and handed me my fish.

I smiled "Thank you"

He nodded and sat down next to me with his fish. 

I started to eat it.

Next day morning. 

Daryl was packing some stuff in a bag. We had changed clothes into some clothes we had found on the boat. 

I saw him looking at his vest before putting it in the bag. 

Then he grabbed the audio recorder and recorded something "My name's Daryl Dixon. I come from a place called the Commonwealth.  It's in America.  I went out looking for something, and all I found was trouble. If I don't make it back, I want them to know I tried. Hell, I'm still trying. "

I sighed before grabbing a crowbar. 


Daryl and i kept walking and walking and walking. 

My legs started to hurt but we needed to move. 

I stopped walking when i came across a market. 

Daryl walked in and i followed him. 

Looked pretty abandoned. 

We split around and looked around. 

I looked through some stuff that was on the table when i heard snarling behind me. 

Daryl called out "Ken!"

I turned around and found a bunch of walkers making their way to us. 

Daryl rushed over to me and started killing walkers with a boat hook. 

I started killing walkers too. 

suddenly i heard Daryl cry out in pain and looked over to him.

A walker was touching his arm and somehow his hand was burning Daryl. 

My eyes widened before i rammed the crow bar through his brain. 

Daryl and i killed them one by one till it went silent. 

I sat down on a table exhausted. 


Daryl and i were walking outside.

Me "Let me see your arm"

Daryl " i am fine"

Me "Daryl "

Daryl "It's fine"

Me "sit your ass down, now"

He looked at me and i shot him a look. 

Then he sat down on the hood of the broken down car that had been left here. 

I grabbed a bottle out of my bag "show me your arm"

Love In Hell (D.D.)Where stories live. Discover now