"It's her."

"Can you believe it? An actual Chaos Castor."

"That's Ryan's mum."

Cathy did not plan to stick around too long to get ogled at some more so she turned to the doors leading out of the Gryffindor common room. As she walked toward the exit, Mary McDonald came walking in her direction.

"Oh hey, I was literally just coming to get you." Mary greeted.

"Why?" Cathy asked.

"Your boyfriend's waiting outside for you."

"My...he's waiting where?" Cathy quickly hurried through the passageway and opened the portrait to find Regulus leaning against the stone handrailing.

"Hey morning." Regulus greeted her.

"What are you doing?" Cathy asked.

"I was waiting for you." Regulus answered. "Thought I could walk you to breakfast. I like your hair. Red is your color"

"Thanks. So when you said that you wanted to act like a proper boyfriend you were planning to hit the ground running." Cathy smiled as she began to walk down the stairs.

"I don't like to do things by half measures, remember?" Regulus replied.

"Oh I do." Cathy smiled. "So how's things with you? After the film last night, I mean."

"Evan was quite pissed off that I had a girlfriend and didn't tell him about it." Regulus chuckled. "Apparently that fact that I talked to him about having hypothetical girlfriend problems  wasn't enough to clue him in."

"I'm not surprised." Catgy laughed.

"How about you?" Regulus enquired. "You and James chat about anything last night?"

Cathy shook her head. "He went straight to bed with his lot. I haven't seen him this morning either."

Regulus stayed quiet for a while before asking another question. "What about Sirius?"

"Haven't seen him either." Cathy informed him. "Should we feel bad or something? You know about...us."

"Of course not." Regulus shook his head. "It's not like we meant to be together. It's just evidently you and I are...meant to be together."

"It's weird." Cathy said. "You and I have been together for a year now and then--"

"Our entire future relationship gets broadcasted in front of the school and our families." Regulus finished.

"Yeah." Cathy nodded. "Although one good thing came out of this."

"Yeah? What's that?" Regulus asked.

"I'm not evil." Cathy smiled. "I mean the Scarlet Witch. She, I mean I'm not evil."

"I could have told you that." Regulus said. He reached over and placed her hand with his.  Cathy smiled and interlocked their fingers.

Finally they reach the Great Hall. As soon as the pair entered they saw that there were many more people other than students present.

Minister Minchum was speaking with Dumbledore and the two of them were surrounded by the Aurors. The parents of students were seated with their children.

There were alot more people that Ryan had brought that Cathy had expected.

"Where do you want to sit?" Regulus asked. "At Gryffindors table or Slytherins?"

Before Cathy could answer, the entire hall quieted down. People began to look at the doors at Cathy and Regulus. The whispers and stares began as the pair of them stood there.

Cathy looked over to her House table and spotted her brother sitting with his friends. Cathy made eye contact with Sirius who quickly looked away and stared down at his food.

"Let's eat at your table." Cathy smiled.

"Great. Right this way." Regulus showed his girlfriend the way to Slytherins table.

After eating with Regulus and being introduced to his friends, several other wizards came over to introduce themselves to her. Cathy was polite and made an effort to not say anything sarcastic.

After most of the people had finished their meals, the rest of the people from last night and several new people had arrived. Cathy spotted her parents entering the Hall and immediately placed her fingers to the side of her head.

"Oh god." Cathy groaned. Regulus followed where her eyes were and saw Cathy's parents.

"It's your parents." Regulus stated. "Should I go and introduce myself?"

"No, not now. It's not safe." Cathy said.

"What do you mean?" Regulus asked.

"My mother. She has her fans." Cathy eyes the fans in her mother's hand in displeasure.

"Her what?" Evan enquired as he too joined in the conversation.

"Her fans." Cathy answered. "She only ever brings those damn things out when she knows you've done something wrong and has time on her hands to plan her confronting you."

"What is she, a super villain?"

"You'd think." Cathy nodded as she sipped some juice. "Best to just avoid her all together. I'll introduce you to my dad later, Reg."

"Okay." Regulus said. He spotted his own parents entering and waves to them. But the hall began to change shape before Walburga and Orion could make their way to their son.

As soon as the clock hit nine o'clock the Great Hall began to shift itself. Curtains appeared and covered the windows darkening the room. The furniture rearranged it self to match the set of a cinema.

"Now what's gonna happen?" Someone whispered.


At the box that arrive the previous night transformed into a projector. A light came out of the projector and the screen was shown with a word:

"Film two will commence in three...two...one."

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