Chapter two

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"If I knew you would throw it away, I would have kept it." Stefana says with bitterness in her voice.

"I didn't throw it away. I delivered it home, as we're going to do for you." Y/N, tired from the long day they had, no longer has the energy to have any venom in her voice. Looking over at Stefana, she smiles, and it softens Stefanas face.

"Someday, you know, I'll live there. In the castle." She points, and grins when both Maleficent and Y/N smiles at it. It felt nice when she was able to awe someone who already had so much power at their fingertips.

"Where do you live now?"

Y/N turns at Maleficent's question, her interest piqued. Stefana lowers her head, and mumbles her answer in shame.

"In a barn."

Y/N grins. She did always have a fascination with humans, same as Maleficent. She couldn't help the question tumbling from her mouth.

"So your parents are farmers, then?"

"My parents are dead."

"Ours, too."

Something about this emotional exchange lightened Y/N's heart, and she could see it did the same for Stefana. So what if she was interested in Maleficent. All that mattered is that he ended up with someone who made him happy.

"We'll see each other again." Stefana looks at both of them when she says this, cementing the joy in their hearts.

"You really shouldn't come back here, you know." Maleficent warns her.

"It's not safe." Y/N continues.

"And if I made that choice, if I came back, would you be here? Both of you?"

Maleficent looks over at Y/N, and they both grin as he answers her.


She sticks her hand out, and hesitantly, Maleficent takes it. Y/N watches with a sinking heart. It would still take some time to fully heal from her first love, but she would manage. The thought made her smile.

It disappears as soon as she hears Maleficent gasp. He pulled back his hand and she was right there to inspect it.

"What's wrong?"

"Your ring."

Maleficent still had his eyes glued to his hand, so Y/N elaborated for him.

"Iron burns fairies"

"I'm sorry."

Almost out of instinct, she takes the ring off, and throws it as far as she can. That small act of kindness put them in awe, and they knew they would be fully ready to come back here to meet Stefana as much as she liked.

She starts to walk away, but turns back once to call something over her shoulder.

"I like your wings."

Maleficent thought of how Stefana cast away her ring, she who had so little in the world, so that their hands might touch again, and his heart was moved.

Y/N could see it plain on his face, and after a day or two, was completely supportive of her best friend's happiness.

Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel...


...steal something far more precious.



Stefana stood there at the edge of the Moors, wrapped in a threadbare cloak. Soon enough, she grew disappointed and defeated. As she turns to go back to her hidden spot in the barn, she sees Maleficent and Y/N both in front of her.

"After all these weeks, look who came back."

All three grin at each other, ready to explore exactly what could come from this.

"I thought it worth the risk. So, what do you do for fun?"

Stefana and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends, as did Stefana and Y/N.

And for a time it seemed as if, in them at least, the old hatred between men and fairies had been forgotten.

Maleficent dragged Stefana down the stream, her feet kicking in it. Stefana sat by the edge with Y/N, both of them laughing about something they shared. Maleficent watched from afar, having never felt happier.

As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else.

Y/N peeked through the branches of where Maleficent and Stefana disappeared, and her suspicions were confirmed when she saw them stopped and staring at each other. She smiles to herself, and walks away, giving them privacy.

And on his 16th birthday, Stefana gave Maleficent a gift.

Moving closer, and in the disappearing warmth of the sunset, the two silhouettes kiss.

She told him it was true love's kiss.

As the image fades out, a sense of foreboding reaches out, not quite ominous, but not bright either.

But it was not to be.

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