New Experience

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It was the pre-season of the women's Manchester City team. We won 4th place last season and are striving for more. So of course our coach had the bright idea of setting up a practice game twice a week against the men's Manchester City team. Great.

"Alright girls, any questions?" asked coach.

We were all either looking at each other or downwards.

"Alright, sleep well and see you girls on Tuesday." said coach, Gareth.

I bit my lip. Yikes. I then grabbed my drawstring backpack off the grass and went to ask my team mate/friend, Jill Roord her opinion on the matter.

"What'd Ya think?"

"Well I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that." She looked down.

"I'm sure we'll do fine, don't worry" I comforted my friend although deep down I was a little worried too. Sure we were a good team but they won the Champions League and their Premier League!

The locker room was a boiling pot of discussions. Some were hyped up, some were anxious.



I was drinking my favorite, hot cocoa, it always helped clear my mind after an extremely long day. Or just after any inconvenience ever. I sighed. I then grabbed my kitten mug and plopped myself on my coach, spacing out for a second or two until I was quickly awakened by the sound of my phone ringing. I swore I almost spilled my hot drink all over my favorite blanket as I flinched. I then extended my arm over the table and turned over the surface of my phone to reveal my mom's phone contact. Although I loved her, oh my god would she call a lot!

Though since I hadn't talked to her in a while I just sucked it up and rested my cocoa on the table.

"Hey mom, how are you?"

"Hi my princess!" she grinned.

"..Hi mom.." I giggled.

"So what put you in a good mood?" I asked.

"Well I found out some AMAZING news!"

At this point I was genuinely happy for her considering she's been dealing with addiction problems and she just generally has not been doing okay lately.

"Well, tell me!" I anticipated.

"Remember Victor? He's on his way to see you!"

My heart stopped.


Nooo WAY..

"You're joking right?"


"Tell him to leave!"

Victor hurt me when I trusted him. We were set up by our parents since they were friends and it was going well for a while, until he hurt me. He cheated on me. Worse part is I made a big, long lasting mistake. Although I have separated myself from him I was still legally married to him. I was just awaiting trial which was set for a month from now which I guess makes sense why he's trying to change my mind now.

"Mom..please..I'm not seeing him."

I was catching the tears well up in my eyes.

Beep, beep, beep

She hung up. Just like that she left. How do I react? How is she reacting?

I then finished my once hot, cocoa and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I took to my bed to take my mind off the somewhat stressful stuff going on and I went to sleep.

Goodluck!| Julian Alvarez 💙 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now