
Beginne am Anfang

Kirstie helps us put our stuff in the trunk and helps Scott into the car.

"See you at the airport!" Kirstie says and gets into her own car.

I get into the drivers seat and Scott looks at me.

"I don't want to use my wheelchair on stage."

I furrow my eyebrows. What?

"I want to try my crutches."

You've never used them.

"Yeah... but I can learn."

Maybe. We'll see.

I start the car and start driving to the airport.

It takes about twenty minutes to get there and then we have to get all of our bags checked and whatever.

Once we get seated on the plane we are the only people in first class.

"Miiiitch." Scott whines.

I look at him.

"I love you." He giggles.

I love you too. I boop his nose.

"Hey guys!" Kirstie says as she and the other two board the plane.

Hungry. I sign.

"Me too. Let's get food." Avi says.

Scott shifts uncomfortably and groans.

"What's wrong?" Kirstie asks.

"My brace is uncomfortable." Scott says.

"Can you take it off?" Kirstie asks.

"I'm not supposed to, but I hate not being able to move a lot."

"Speaking of moving, is your therapist coming?" Kevin asks him.


"That's good." Kevin says.

I'm sleeping. I say and lay back in a seat.

It gets sort of quiet and before long I drift into darkness.

*Scott's POV*

This sucks.

Everyone is asleep and I can't lie down because of my stupid brace and my legs.

I don't think I'll ever be able to walk, honestly.


I'm not in this wheelchair forever.

It's only for a few months.

I just said that it was forever because I was sad.

I was too depressed to think positive at all.

My legs looked pretty horrific, and they were badly torn, but my hips were not injured enough to cause permanent damage.

But I just don't think I'm strong enough to learn to walk all over again.

I can't tell them now, so I guess they'll just find out in four months.

The back brace is forever, maybe, but that's not a huge problem.

I think I may have put too much strain on it recently because it's hurting like hell.

I have to use my upper body a lot since I can't walk yet.

We have a show tonight and I'm not ready.

I'm weak and tired and I just want to rest.

I try to find a comfortable position in my chair, which, there aren't many of them, and fall asleep.

It doesn't work.

So, I end up sitting through the long flight while everyone else sleeps.

I also need to pee and I can't move because my chair is strapped down and I can't get out of it.

I look at my phone and see that we should be arriving soon.

As if on cue, the flight attendant's voice comes over the intercom and announces that we are landing.

Kevin wakes up at the sound of her voice and starts to wake up everyone else.

The worst part about this first show is that we have rehearsal like... now.

I'm so tired and in pain and I just want to lie down.

When the plane lands the flight attendant unstraps my chair and Mitch gets my bag.

He wheels me out of the plane and into the airport where a bus is waiting on us.

"Mitchie I need to pee." I whine tiredly.

Can you hold it?

"Yeah. I'm just tired."

We stare at the bus in awe, as it's much bigger than our previous bus.

After we get to the hotel, we get settled only to have to go to the stadium and practice.

My back is really hurting now and I want to scream out in pain.

We get out onto the stage and it's huge.

Like every other show.

We start running choreography and I stop singing.

"What's wrong?" Kirstie asks.

"It hurts too bad. My back." I say and wince in pain.

"Let's take five." Kevin says.

"Are you okay?" Kirstie asks.

"Yeah. I need to lay down." I say and try getting out of my chair.

I nearly scream out in pain.

"No, no be careful. Mitch help." Kirstie says and lifts me up.

I lay down on a couch in the dressing room and try not to move too much.

I don't know what I did but I can't deal with the pain.

They leave me alone and go to help set up for the night.

I rip off my brace and get into a more comfortable position.

I fall asleep before the show until someone wakes me up.

"20 minutes, Scott!" Avi says and I sit up slowly.

I feel a bit better.

I look at my brace on the ground.

I can go a show without it, right?

I put some gel in my hair and change my shirt.

I grab my mic and head backstage.

Here we go...

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