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It was a hot summer afternoon when Eunjoo was walking to the cafe near her college for lunch

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It was a hot summer afternoon when Eunjoo was walking to the cafe near her college for lunch. Due to her terrible luck, she lost a game of rock, paper, scissors and now had to pay for lunch.

The currently broke girl walked into the cafe looking for her friends. She spotted two bright heads of hair and instantly walked towards the table they were seated at.

The girl took a seat, her eyes drifting to the now red haired, engineering major, in front of her. Jiah quirked an eyebrow at the girl who was staring at her with an expression that seemed like a mix of betrayal and adoration.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer." the red-head began, and laughed when her friend pulled out her phone to click a picture.

Putting her phone down, Eunjoo sarcastically replied, "You dyed your hair red without me? I feel so hurt right now, I think I'm going to cry. This is what it feels like when your friends forget about you."

She turned her head towards the blonde haired girl sitting next to her, and pouted. Haerin pouted back and gave the girl a hug, both fake sighing, and later laughing it off.

The bell rang, indicating that someone had just walked in. The three girls turned around watching the youngest of them run in, eyes frantically searching for her friends. When she finally spotted the trio of girls with red, blonde and black hair she rushed towards them with a huge smile on her face.

As soon as Miran reached the table, she gave each of them a hug, expressing how much she had missed them, although it had been only 5 hours since they last saw each other.

The girls had met each other on their first day of high school, and ever since they were attached at the hip. They went through thick and thin together, having their fair share of fights and disagreements but they always got through it.

Eunjoo looked around the cafe, noticing that they had soft music playing in the background. In all honesty, she needed an escape, from med school, her already existing job and everything that had happened in the past few years.

It felt like everything was moving so fast, it'd been so long since she sat and just thought about everything. She made that choice though, to not think about anything, choosing to focus solely on her studies and not giving her mind time to waver.

After the four of them finished lunch, with Eunjoo paying, Miran and Jiah left to get to their lectures. The two medicine majors had about an hour before their lecture. Haerin excused herself as her phone rang.

Eunjoo approached the girl working at the counter and enquired about a job opening at the cafe. The girl halted, pushing her brown hair out of her face to get a proper look at the girl.

She recognized the girl, having seen her around university sometimes. The girl was a year older than her but they were in the same class. Her toothy smile sent a sense of comfort to the younger, black haired girl.

epiphany " lee haechanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora