18 - Ryder: Hospital Visit

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Visiting hours had started half an hour ago, but I'd slept through the damn alarm. I'd wanted to sneak in to see Chelsea before mum could have the chance and had almost kicked myself when I realised the time when I woke up.

Fortunately, she'd already set off to work when I'd woken up and wouldn't be visiting again until later. After signing in, I headed up to the room, hearing her laughter from well down the hallway. It looked like someone had beaten me to it. I paused outside the door, peering through the crack to see Derek stood before her bed.

"So I hear someone's getting out today."

It felt wrong to be eavesdropping on them. But then again, could it really be considered eavesdropping if I just happened to overhear? I told myself no, and carried on listening, watching through the tiny gap.

"That's right. They're signing my release papers as we speak." Chelsea smiled as her phone pinged with a new message in her hand. Whatever she saw on the screen made her body sag with relief and she replied as quickly as she could, a little rusty after not having used the phone for a year.

Derek scratched the back of his head nervously as he waited for her to look up.

"So I was thinking. Since you're getting out today. If you wanted someone to hang out with, then I mean..."

He stumbled over his words and I was pleased to see a blush stain my sister's cheeks at his offer.

"I'd have loved to, but I kind of just made plans with Lola. Ryder left me her number" She looked genuinely sad to have to reject his offer, but he shrugged it off as though it were no big deal.

"Good. It's good you're hanging out with people from school. You'll be starting there soon, won't you?"

She tilted her head curiously.

"I go to a different school to you guys." He shook his head.

"Ryder hasn't told you yet? Your old school shut down. You have no choice but to come to ours."

Her face split into a wide grin.

"That's great!"

It was no secret that my sister had hated her old school, and it was hardly surprising. I couldn't imagine how awful it must have been for her to be in a school with such snobby rich kids, and posh British teachers who made her work her ass off.

An awkward silence descended over the room, giving me the perfect opportunity to enter. Chelsea narrowed her eyes at me.

"Why didn't you tell me I'd moved school?"

I shrugged, trying to pretend I hadn't heard their conversation.

"I was planning to today, Derek's obviously saved me a job. On the bright side, prom's coming up. Perfect time to break the ice.

"I know. I'm going shopping with your girlfriend today. But I'm not in your year. They're not gonna let me come to your prom."

"They will if someone in our year is escorting you as their date." I looked towards Derek pointedly, and he grinned at my granting him permission as Chelsea blushed.

"You'll keep her safe though." I warned him and he nodded seriously. I had no doubt that he would.

"Guys. We are in the 21st century here; a girl kinda likes to be asked."

I chuckled as Derek turned to Chelsea, looking thoroughly humiliated.

"Would you?"

She nodded eagerly and I rolled my eyes. As if there were ever any doubt she would say yes. I was just glad that she'd finally seemed to stop worrying about what dad though

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Derek walked towards her and I growled under my breath. I was all for the two of them together, but there were going to have to be some rules on how couple-y they could be when I was there. I had no desire to see my sister being mauled by my best friend.

He chuckled under his breath before kissing her gently on the forehead and raising his eyebrows at me as he left the room, narrowly avoiding the doctor who came in with her release papers. He set them down on her bedside table with a smile

"Miss Case, you're free to go."

She smiled widely, looking very much as if she was going to hug the unsuspecting doctor. I hoped to god she didn't. Seeming to get the same impression, the doctor backed out quickly, nodding curtly at me. Chelsea eyed up the bag I was holding.

"Please tell me you thought ahead and that there are clothes in that bag for me."

I nodded, throwing it onto the end of her bed. Lifting the clothes from the bag, along with a small handbag I'd found in her room, she seemed relieved.

"Worried I was going to bring you something horrid sis?"

Her cheeks flushed and I knew I was right.

"I'll just go change." She slipped out from under the covers, pulling down the disgusting hospital gown closer to her body in an attempt to cover more of her legs.

"I'll give you a lift to Lola's if you want."

She nodded gratefully before disappearing into the toilets with her clothes.

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