16 - Lola: Sleepover

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We were on our way back from the hospital in Derek's car when I found my thoughts wandering to food. I'd barely eaten since lunch, and my stomach currently sounded like a dying whale. I blushed, glancing at Ryder to see if he'd heard. His body shook with silent laughter.

"You hungry by any chance?" He questioned with a playful smirk. I opened my mouth to reply, but needn't have bothered. My stomach's next grumble answered for me.

He pulled into the McDonald's drive through at the docks.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" A thick Alabaman voice came through the speaker and Ryder turned to me expectantly.

"Please can I get a McChicken sandwich medium meal with a banana milkshake?" I smiled sheepishly as he repeated it to the machine, and stared out of the car window at the McFlurry poster just ahead of us. He glanced towards me and smiled at the longing look in my eyes.

"and two McFlurries please."

I looked it at him curiously and he grinned, his eyes sparkling in amusement as he pulled up to the first window and took our stuff, ignoring my eager face and shaking his head.

"Not yet. Derek doesn't like people eating in his car."

I narrowed my eyes in annoyance as he reached over to put the bags down by my feet. Begrudgingly leaning my head back against the headrest, I rolled down the window so that the wind could take away the tempting aroma from the bags.

I didn't have to wait long before Ryder pulled up along the pier and we left the car, bags in hand. Once again, I wondered why they called this place 'the docks'. There were no boats in the water, and it wasn't connected to the sea at all. I guess there'd just been no better word for it.

My legs hung off the end of the pier, reflected back at me in the water as Ryder handed me my drink. Snatching it from his grasp, I took a large mouthful before grabbing my burger from the bag. Taking a large bite, I sighed in relief as the greasy goodness slid down my throat and quelled the grumbling in my stomach. Taking another swig of my drink, I began on my chips before looking at Ryder, whose eyebrows were raised in amusement - or shock. I couldn't tell.

I raised my own questioningly in response and he held my gaze for a moment before shrugging.

"At least you'll eat."

I grinned and took another large bite. My meal was demolished in minutes.

As I slurped up the last of my milkshake, I became aware of Ryder watching me and turned.

"Yes?" I asked, drawing out the word and raising my eyebrows expectantly.

"I don't think I've ever seen a girl eat so much without stopping once. Did you even breathe then?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes, then paused.

Revenge on The Bad Boy (Unexpected Match #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz