05 - Lola: The First Move

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e the whole of yesterday evening, but finally I'd come up with the perfect revenge... or as good a revenge as I could think of. I'd never been particularly creative with things like that. Claire seemed to approve though.

I hadn't been able to sit still most of the day, annoyed that I'd had to wait until after school to execute my plan. All day, I'd been unable to stop my leg from jiggling with anticipation, much to Claire's annoyance. After what seemed like forever, the bell signifying the end of the day finally rang and I sprang from my chair, earning me a disapproving glare from Miss Raine. Claiming desperation for the toilet, I managed to escape without a detention, not an easy feat when you'd somehow earned Miss Raine's hatred on day one. I had no idea how I'd managed it, but she'd never liked me, and she'd never been ashamed to show it.

A large bulge gathered around the doorway as everybody tried to leave from a gap only big enough for one at a time. Just about thin enough to squeeze through the crowd; I was one of the first to escape, with Claire and Mark just behind me as we headed to the car park. Ryder leant against his car, chuckling at something Derek had said to him. I'd always found their friendship odd. Having lived next door to Derek for half of my life, I knew what kind of guy he was, and it hardly seemed sensible that such a nice guy was friends with such an ass.

Giving the nod to Claire and Mark, I stalked over to wear the two of them stood, running my hands nervously through my hair as I walked. Derek spotted me coming and raised his eyebrows in amusement before saying his goodbyes and heading off.

"Hey Ryder,"

The loud volume of my exclamation attracted the attention of many of the students still loitering in the car park, who turned to look. Ryder glanced up, eyebrows furrowing slightly when he saw it was me and turning his head a little as if to confirm it were him I was talking to.

Reaching where he stood, I wrapped my body around his as much as my lack of flexibility would allow, whispering in his ear as he had done to me earlier today,

"Yes I'm talking to you."

His eyes widened slightly as I rubbed my leg against his lightly, his body tensing. His eyes were semi-clouded with lust when he met my gaze, but his expression was as confused as ever.

Pushing up onto my tiptoes, I pressed my lips against his gently, smiling when I heard some of the girls in the crowd huff loudly in annoyance. It took him seconds to respond, but for the second time today I pushed him away, fake gagging in disgust.

"Oh my god, ever heard of mouthwash? That is rancid!"

Several of his closest friends chuckled, but his many girlfriends simply looked at me, unsure how exactly to respond. The shocked expressions on their faces were almost better than Ryder's. Almost.

I grinded subtly again before backing away, retching. It took another couple of moments, but finally one girl came forward from the crowd.

"I'm sorry, but I'm actually his girlfriend, and I've found that his breath is perfectly fine thank you."

I don't know what I found more amusing, the fact that she thought Ryder actually had girlfriends, or the fact that she didn't care that I'd just kissed her supposed boyfriend. Ryder had obviously been a bad influence on her.

Hesitating slightly at this girl's comment, I was thankful that I didn't have to improvise when another girl stepped forward.

"I think you'll find he's my boyfriend you slut."

A heated argument broke out between the two of them and I held in a laugh as their friends joined in and a large clump of women grew in the centre of the car park.

Claire interrupted at just the right time, storming forward, a curly brown wig making her almost unrecognizable.

"I think you'll find that both of you are wrong." Shoving me out of the way, she mouthed an apology to me as her hand wrapped around the back of Ryder's head and pulled his lips to hers.

Pulling away moments later, I couldn't help but giggle at the genuine disgust in her expression as she also retched dramatically.

"Babe, what the hell have you been eating?"

Her voice was strained as she tottered away and I smirked as Ryder stuttered some attempt at an argument. The guys around us mimicked my expression as the girls looked at him in disgust. The little problem I'd given him had become quite obvious by this point, but for those who hadn't noticed I nodded not so subtly at his trousers in amusement.

"Can your gran's dog do that?" Mustering as bitchy a tone as I could manage, I smiled triumphantly at the sound of the shocked gasps of his girlfriends. He turned to me, looking so betrayed that I felt almost guilty. Then I remembered my motivation and moved in closer to him once again as the crowd dissolved.

"I think that's 1-0 to me." Speaking no louder than a whisper, I ensured that only he could hear me as I verbally marked my progress.

"For the record, I thought you were meant to be making me fall in love with you, how's humiliating me meant to help?" Ryder questioned, his tone too amused to make me worried where the game was concerned.

"I was just seeing how much attraction I had to work with."

He raised one eyebrow in mock curiosity and I smirked.

"Looks like I'm in for an easier win than I thought."

Turning, I began the walk back to my car with my head held high, proud of my victory. Grabbing me gently by the wrist for the second time today, he pulled me back.

"On the contrary Lo, this is just your first move. You haven't seen mine yet."

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