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As Alya abruptly regained consciousness, she found herself lying in the midst of a vibrant flower meadow. Her eyes fluttered open, and she was greeted by a scene of astonishing beauty. The world around her seemed to come alive with an almost surreal vividness.

The symphony of nature's sounds enveloped her. Overhead, a chorus of birds serenaded the morning, their melodic chirps filling the air with a harmonious melody. The gentle caress of the wind played with the delicate blades of grass, creating a soft, whispering rustle that added to the enchantment of the moment.

Alya's gaze wandered, and she spotted a small bunny, its soft fur a stark contrast against the lush green grass. It hopped gracefully, seemingly untouched by the troubles of the world, a living testament to the serenity of this meadow. Sunlight filtered through the leaves of nearby trees, casting dappled shadows that danced like ethereal spirits across the landscape.

For a moment, Alya forgot her worries and immersed herself in the tranquil beauty of this unexpected haven. It was as if the world had momentarily paused, offering her a respite from the chaos and uncertainty that had plagued her life.

Before Alya stretched a picturesque landscape, and at its center, a small, inviting hill beckoned her. Perched atop this hill were two familiar figures, silhouetted against the backdrop of a clear blue sky. They waved enthusiastically, their voices carrying gently on the breeze as they called out her name.

"Jungdea... Roby..."

Alya's heart soared with joy as she recognized the voices of her friends. Their calls were like a lifeline, drawing her towards them. Without hesitation, she sprang to her feet and began sprinting towards the summit, her steps fueled by the excitement of reuniting with her cherished companions.

However, as she drew closer, a subtle shift in their expressions caught her attention. The once radiant smiles on their faces had dimmed, replaced by a mixture of concern and uncertainty. Alya's pace slowed as doubt crept in, and she finally reached the crest of the hill to stand before them.

The warmth that had initially filled her heart now mingled with a sense of unease. Alya couldn't help but wonder what had changed since they had called her name so cheerfully just moments ago. It was a bittersweet reunion, leaving her with more questions than answers and a lingering sense of apprehension in the air.


Alya's heart pounded in her chest as a blood-curdling scream shattered the serene atmosphere of the meadow. It was Jungdae, and his voice carried a note of sheer terror. In his trembling arms, he held the pallid figure of Roby, whose life essence seemed to be flowing away in rivulets of crimson. Alya, stunned and horrified, instinctively slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp.

The surreal scene before her unfolded in a nightmarish tableau. Roby's once vibrant face was now a ghostly white, and the sight of the deep, crimson wounds that marred her form sent shivers down Alya's spine. She took a few faltering steps backward, her vision blurred by a cascade of tears that welled up in her eyes.

"I...what? No... it's not my fault... is it?" Alya stammered, her voice quivering with uncertainty, unable to comprehend the grisly spectacle before her.

Kneeling beside Roby, Alya felt a surge of anguish and desperation. She cradled her injured friend tenderly, as if trying to protect her from the world's cruelties. The two of them were now in their own world, isolated from the chaos around them.

Roby, her strength fading but her eyes filled with an unwavering love, gently cupped Alya's tear-stained face between her trembling hands. She took a shuddering breath before pouring out her heart.

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