Chapter 2: Exploring the burned village

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Despite their fear; with great swiftness the young boys raced away from the village into the desert, running further away until the fires couldn't reveal them.

Once they were far enough out of sight, they sat on the sand and held onto themselves crying.
In the distance they heard the screams of the villagers and saw the fire roaring higher and higher.

The night passed painfully slow and soon Ra's sun was in it's place in the sky.

Eventually the boys stirred awake from their restless sleep, their eyes were red and swollen from last nights tears.
Fearfully they turned towards their village, and sadly sighed, for last night was not a dream.
Reluctantly the young boys cautiously ventured back to the ruins that remained.

Upon their arrival, everything was silent, eerie and soulless, no one could be seen anywhere.

They continued though the silent streets until they came to a large pile of ash, and a horrifically, revolting smell that lingered in the air.

The boys eyes welled with tears, they no longer had homes or families.

"What are you boys doing?!" shouted a male voice.

Rapidly turning around they saw a man cloaked in white robes sitting on a brown stallion.
In fear, the boys raced away and hid themselves inside a house, there, they remained silent until the same silence was all around them.

After a while they glanced at each other before eventually deciding to step outside.
As soon as they did however, they began to hear faint shouting- as though someone was calling for help.

Bakura and Malik both listened carefully and tried to locate the source of the noise, soon, they wandered towards a small house, which appeared to be falling apart inside and out.

"Please help me!" cried a weakening voice.

Quickly, they ran inside and saw another young child around their age.
The young girl's leg seemed to be trapped under a ceiling beam, she held her head up and gazed at the boys.

"Help me, please, please" she begged.

Gathering their strength, the boys were able to life the beam just high enough for the girl to crawl out; once she was safe they released it and helped her to her feet.

"T...thank you" she gasped.

Bakura helped to support her weight, sadly her leg was badly injured and she greatly struggled to walk.

"You're welcome" he blankly responded.
"I'm Anzu" the young girl said.
"I'm Bakura, this is Malik"
"What's happened to the village, last night was so horrific. Where are my parents and sister?" she fearfully asked.
"Everyone was murdered, including our families" Malik explained, bluntly.

Anzu began to cry and sniffle in sadness.

"Don't worry, we will be fine" Bakura reassured them.
"However we should find somewhere to live, come on; those strangers must be gone by now" he advised.
"There they are!" shouted a male voice.

The children all turned to see the same man from earlier.
Bakura quickly threw Anzu on his back and they all began running away.

"Wait, please wait!" urged a young voice.

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