Couches🛋️(RusAme)TW⚠️: slight lime

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"Come on Meri, I'm sorry!" Russia begged to his boyfriend, he had stayed late the other night again at the bar, which caused America to be pretty pissed. "If you're really sorry, you would prove it to me." America huffed, he crossed his arms, he had a slight glare as he looked at Russia.

Russia wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, "Seriously?" He sighed, he kissed America softly, he didn't feel the American struggle, so he took this as a sign that he was probably forgiven. He gently pressed America back onto the couch. The American tried to be mad at his boyfriend, but it was hard to do that when he was being pushed back onto the couch.

Russia kissed America's bottom lip, America hesitated for a bit, since he was trying to be mad at Russia at the moment. But he still opened his mouth, he felt as Russia slid his tounge inside, exploring every crevice, he let out a muffled moan when Russia did so.

A few seconds later

Russia parted the kiss, moving down to America's neck, he began licking around, he heard his boyfriend gasp and squirm underneath him. After a bit of licking around, he heard America let out a soft moan when he reached a certain spot. He then bit down on that spot, again and again, leaving a few hickeys, America let out a few quiet moans as Russia abused that certain spot.

After a while Russia stopped and looked down at America, he chuckled after a while. America pouted, "I hate you." America smiled slightly when Russia laughed, "No you don't," He plopped his head onto America's chest, both of them catching their breaths. "I guess I forgive you" America smirked when Russia looked up at him with an eyebrow raise, as if saying 'seriously?'. Russia sighed and closed his eyes again, "I love you," he mumbled, America smiled slightly, "I love you too, dork." 


End of oneshot

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