Chaos Twins 😈 (Rusame family)

683 7 7

The age of the kids:

Rusa(the oldest): 13

Amesia&Rusca(the middle children/the twins): 9

Amia(the youngest): 6


"AMESIA! RUSCA!" Rusa shouted for his younger siblings as they ran through the house. "Give me back my phone! You're gonna break it!" Rusa was hoping the twins wouldn't break it, Amesia just stuck out her tounge. "You're such a party pooper big brother!" She laughed as she continued to run around the house.

Amia was just sitting on the couch as her older siblings ran in circles around her, she then sighed. "DAAAAD! AMESIA AND RUSCA WON'T GIVE RUSA HIS PHONE BAACK!" Amia heard a betrayed gasp as she looked towards Amesia who was holding Rusa's phone out of his reach. "Amiaaa!" She didn't really see the point in trying to get out of trouble, so she and Rusca just accepted their fates.

Russia walked down the stairs as he looked at Amesia and Rusca who were in the living room. "Give your brother his phone back you two." He put his hands on his hips, Amesia groaned and Rusca sighed "Fineeee" They both said in unison as Amesia handed Rusa his phone back.

There was an unlocking noise at the door and America stepped through, Amesia' as eyes lit up. "Mom!" She ran to her mother and hugged him, America chuckled in response. "Hey 'Mesia" America smiled as he picked up his daughter, Rusca ran up to him too, also wanting to be picked up. America chuckled as he picked up Rusca too. "What one twin has the other has to have it as well eh you two?" America chuckled once his children nodded. 

Russia approached America and kissed his cheek. "Hey love," Russia smiled, America smiled in return "Hey sweetie" he kissed Russia on the cheek as well. Amia just went back to watching her TV and Rusa was checking his phone for any cracks, but they both said a small 'hi mom' before doing so.


End of oneshot

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