Bring It On: Part 1

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Prompt: Regina Mills is the CEO of a successful company, as is Robin Locksley,

{Regina's POV}

"Mother! I am not merging our company with Locksley's useless company."

"Regina, dear, you will do as I say or your job will be give to your sister." Ugh. Mother can be a push over sometimes. I can't deal with this anymore, so reluctantly I agreed. Locksley Co. is one of Europe's biggest hotel companies. They own a few hotels in the US, but they're stationed in England. My father's company, Mills Co., is now spreading towards England. I've met this Robin guy before and he's not all that he's cracked up to be. Robin and I have known each other since college. We were in the same Management class and ended up graduating together. I kinda had a thing for him back then, but not anymore.

"Emma, can you please clear all my meetings for tomorrow? I have to organize the files."

"Yes, ma'am." I spent the rest of the day going through emails and the client files. Walking out of my office after turning off all the lights, I saw that it was already 9:30. I grabbed my keys from my bag to lock my office, when someone tapped on my shoulder. I stood there frozen. No one was supposed to be here at this time.

"Don't worry m'lady, its only me." That voice. The accent. Robin. I turned around to look at his face laced with a smirk.

"What do you want?"

"Now m'lady, is that any way to talk to your boss?" BOSS?!? The nerve of this man.

"What do you mean boss? If anything I would be the boss of you since I proposed the merger in the first place."

"Alright if you say so. Anyways I dropped by to ask if you wanted to join my for dinner."

"And why this sudden interest in me, Mr.Locksley?" He stood there motionless. He blushed a bit. Ha! Who's smirking now?

"I'll explain to you over dinner. Shall we?" Robin extended his arm and I looped mine through his. We made our way towards his car. All of a sudden, Robin let go of my arm and rushed to the car. He opened the passenger side door for me.

"Well, who knew you were a gentleman?"

"Regina, we may be in the 21st century, but that doesn't mean chivalry is dead." Once we were both in the car, he started driving.

"May I ask where were going?"

"It is a surprise m'lady." I leaned back in my seat and took out my phone. I decided to go through my Instagram. I hadn't been active recently so I decided to take a quick selfie just for the heck of it. As I was typing in a caption, the phone was snatched from my grasp.

"Hey!" Looking at the culprit, I leaned over trying to get my phone back.

"I think we should take a picture together. Don't you think?"

"No I don't. Now give me my phone back."

"I'll give it back to you once we take a picture together."

"Fine, keep it." I will not give into him. Once again, that irritable smirk reappeared on his face.

"If you say so." I looked over, curiosity getting the better of me. He was scrolling through all of my messages. Then, he went over to contacts. Swiping up and down, he just frowned.

"Here, you can have it back." Something on my phone triggered his anger. We arrived at a mansion with grand white gates. He parked the car in what I suppose is his house.

"Are you getting down or what?"
"What is your problem?" I yelled at him. I couldn't take it anymore.
"You know what my problem is? My problem is that I've had feelings for you since college and now I see you have some guy in your bed already."
Wait what?!?

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