Issue #40: Androids?!

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Lanolin: It''s just how you do these things, okay?

Gotuce: And we might not know if Eggman set up traps for us.

Tangle: But it's not like there gonna spot us.

Lanolin: Fine. I guess it'll make checking out the room easier. There's got to be something useful in here.

Gotuce: Well said, Lanny!

Lanolin: Heh heh!~ Woah. Wh-What are those?

They all looked at the screen displaying the androids Sonic and Co.

Tangle: what happened to the first Diamond Cutters.

Whisper began to panic as the memories of losing her old team began to flood in her head.

Whisper: 'No, No, No........'

Tangle: Woah, Hey! I got you!

Whisper: 'Its too late. They're going to—I—.'

Tangle: Listen to me. It is not happening again. Because I won't let it, okay? We are going to figure this out. I promise. Isn't that right, Gotuce?

They all turned to Gotuce who was still staring at the screen.......

Gotuce: No........No.......not again.......please......not.......again......not this.........

Gotuce was clenching his hands so much that his fingers were driving into his palm making them bleed.

Gotuce was clenching his hands so much that his fingers were driving into his palm making them bleed

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Tangle: G-Gotuce, Please. I already said to Whisper that well figure this out together, that means with you as well.....

Gotuce: Not again.......I won't..........I won't lose anyone again to these androids.

Gotuce began to flicker back, as if his transparent body was becoming solid and with that he teleported away.
Back in the city...........

The androids were marching closer and closer as Sonic and Co. Tried their best to defeat them.

Sonic: What're we looking at here, bud?

Tails: I-I don't know! Definitely robots, but they're so fast I can't get a clear reading.......

As the androids continued marching, Blaze came up front.

Blaze: Get.....Back!

Blaze used her fire power to try and melt them........But they just walked through.

Blaze: T-That should've stopped them........

Amy hit them with her Piko Hammer but they just grabbed on to it not letting go.

Sonic: Time to go.....Hey Silver! Can you get me a ramp!

Silver: Unf! Sure!

Silver used his psychokinesis to get a ramp up.

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