Our fight

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"Now, nobody can disturb us", he says, and gives me a sly smile.

He leans forward and is about to kiss me. I stop him.

"What are you doing Yin".

He leans in again and tries to kiss me.

"Yin" I say, this time louder, and shove him away with my hand.

"Stop it, Yin".

Yin looks mad, but turns away.

"Yin» I plead again. I don't know way, but I feel the need to apologize. I feel I'm in the wrong.

"Yin, I... am.. so..". Yin reaches out with his hand and places it in front of my mouth.

"Don't say anything".

"You don't owe me anything", he says, with a sullen expression on his face.

"Yin, I didn't mean to", I say.

But he just looks angry after that statement.

"Why were you with him", he asks demandingly.

"I.." "We were just supposed to hang out", I say.

"Hang out", he says mockingly. "So that's what they call it these days". He turns around, but I can see he's not happy about it.

"Why did you let him blow you", he asks. I'm taken back by his bluntness.

"Well, isn't it common to let your friends help you out", I say.

"Common", he scoffs. "I would never let any one of my friends help me out.

I shrug at his answer. I really thought it was common when Mark said so in his persuasive tone. Yin sees my expression.

"Don't say you got fooled by your friend over there".

"It so easy to see he likes you", Yin says.

"You're wrong. Mark have never said such a thing. And he has never done anything towards me in that way", I say with a matter of fact tone.

But then I start to think about the many bathroom episodes, and that time I said I was ill, and he was confident that it had something to do with my private area. He looked very worried, but he had made me take off my pants and examined my dick. He had also touched it, but said it was necessary. His dad is a doctor, so had to know these things and was very professional. When I think about it he has actually in multiple occasions managed to get a look at my dick. But all the occasions had good reasons. Or so I thought. I also have multiple times awoken with no clothes on, after I had sleepovers with my friends. They always said I took my clothes off by myself, so I didn't make any further complains. But one time I woke up in the middle of the night, and I felt Marks hand grabbing my member. Xai had also stood by close and watched it happen. But when I yelled at them, they just said that I had made them do it it my sleep. Yin sees my confused expression.

"War, snap out of it".

I blink and stare at Yin.

"I think you're not honest with yourself. From my brief perception of your friends, it seems like he totally wants your dick. What you gave him now", and he points to the bed, "was something he has long been longing for".

I blink a few times. Is it really true? I can't wrap my head around it.

"When I came in the bathroom earlier today I totally saw both Mark and the other friend of yours, they were totally staring at your dick".

I turn away in embarrassment. I'd forgot that Yin also was there at the bathroom stall today.

I'm trying to think of a way out. All these incidents are really embarrassing.

"Well what's that to you", I suddenly ask him.

"You're not my boyfriend. So why do you care", I ask him with a firm stare.

He looks taken aback by this. He didn't expect me to be so blunt.

"Well, it's your choice after all, but I just wanted you to have all your facts clear".

I look at him. I can't back out now.

"Well you're just a guy that I slept with. You can't tell me what to think".

He turns to me in anger.

"Really", he says, and moves closer to my face.

"Say that again".

YinWar the accidentWhere stories live. Discover now