[ 1.16 ]

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Word Count: 6598

Word Count: 6598

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Chapter 16History Repeating

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Chapter 16
History Repeating

Lilith sat in the large tub

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Lilith sat in the large tub. Her arm hugged her knees as Grim and Caroline poured bags upon bags of ice. The redhead didn't know what to do as she sat eating herself up over hurting Jeremy.
    "I don't understand what happened." Caroline sighed watching her best friend stare into space as she poured another bag of ice.
"Lilith has had a lot of prophecies placed upon her. One is the power of fire and its control." Grim explained to the blonde as he grabbed a thermometer placing it between Lilith's lips.
"When she took in Jeremy she used to remove the power to prevent herself from hurting him." He continued waiting for the small beep from the machine.
With a sigh he opened another bag of ice handing it to the blonde who sat on the floor watching him, waiting for him to continue.
"However the more she released it the stronger it became. Now it's grown to a point where her body can't handle it without her full potential." He continued as he watched his best friend's little sister sit curled in pain.
"Full potential?" Caroline asked as she turned to lean against the wall. Her eyes connected with the man in front of her.

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