"There's something we use under the sink. I can show you." Amelia offered, taking the stuff off of Ophelia to let her rest, and Meredith nodded, following Amelia.

Meredith sprayed the door of the oven, a thick layer of the cleaning product left behind.


Maggie walked back into the house, having just dropped the kids to school. "Zola and Bailey are dropped off. Is Ellis still down?"

Ophelia was lying across the sofa, a basin beside her, watching as Amelia scrubbed the table in front of her.

"Sound asleep." Amelia replied.

Meredith lifted some stuff off of the shelves in the back of the room, "And we are cleaning in here now." Maggie said.

"We are done in the kitchen, so we have moved on." Amelia said, a strained smiled on her face.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to clean again without throwing up." Ophelia complained, rubbing her hands on her temples, trying to relieve her headache.

"OK." Maggie said, throwing her jacket on the armchair in the corner, "Well, pass the disinfectant."

"DeLuca got outta here in a hurry this morning." Amelia noted.

"He wasn't exactly quiet either." Ophelia added on, remembering how loud he was going down the stairs.

"Yeah, he's scrubbing in on a Heller myotomy." Maggie said, a smile on her face, "He's doing the esophageal dissection."

"Where's the wood polish?" Amelia asked, looking around her.

"Here you go." Maggie said, handing it up after picking it up from the other side of the table, "I told him to let me know how it goes, so I'm just waiting for a text."

"Owen won't stop texting and calling." Amelia said after Maggie had lifted out her phone to check if Andrew had messaged her.

"What are you gonna do?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, Amelia, what are you going to do?" Ophelia said, looking at Amelia with a look the other two couldn't quite place.

"I have no idea." Amelia said, replying to them.

"Yeah, I wouldn't know what to do either." Maggie said. Meredith walked over just then, "You know Owen probably better than any of us. Do you have any advice for Amelia?"

Ophelia sat up just then, placing herself beside Amelia, resting her head on her shoulder, and Amelia wrapped her arm around her. She couldn't stay mad at her for too long.

Meredith sighed, lookign at a stain in the carpet. "How long has that stain been there?"

"Um, since the dinner party with Penny. It was my wine, I think." Ophelia said, squinting at the spot.


"What vaccum cleaner is this complicated?" Maggie asked, holding parts of the machine they were trying to put together.

"It looks like it was bought by some baker in the early 2000s who had the intent of cleaning the carpet but got to distracted by her personal life." Opbelia said, looking at the instructions, and she fully missed the look that Meredith gave her.

•Far Away• ♡amelia shepherd♡Where stories live. Discover now