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"I can't believe you have to go into work today." Ophelia complained as Amelia rushed around the house, trying to get ready. She had been called into work, as the other neurosurgeon that was supposed to be covering her shift called in sick, "And I have to stay here and unpack!"

"And you will do it beautifully." Amelia said, draping her coat over her arm and pressing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's lips.

"I think you're underestimating me." Ophelia huffed, crossing her arms.

"Just do your best. I love you!" Her girlfriend called as she left, closing the door behind her. Ophelia slumped back against the couch, not intending to unpack. She turned on the TV, clicking onto Netflix to continue watching the TV show she had started a few days ago.

That was, until Ana came barreling through her front door.

"Oh, my God, Ophs, you will not believe who I went on a date with last night." She said, taking of her shoes and collapsing beside Ophelia.

"Oh, hello Ana, of course you can come over. All you have to do is text me!" Ophelia told her sarcastically.

"Thank you. Anyway, April freaking Kepner." Ana continued, completely ignoring Ophelia's annoyed tone.

"You went on a date with Keps?" Ophelia asked, slightly shocked. April hadn't mentioned anything to her.

"Yes!" Ana exclaimed, her eyes wide, "And, when I tell you, that woman knows howto use her hands-"


"Sorry! We just went for drinks, well, she didn't have any alcohol, but I had a small amount, and then we ended up going back to hers, and one thing led to another..."

"So, you just came over here to tell me about how good my best friend is in bed?" 

"Yeah, basically."

Ophelia sighed. "Can you help me unpack?"

Ana looked around at the many boxes around the house."Yeah, I don't think I want to."

"Pleaseeee."Ophelia begged, resting her head on Ana's shoulder giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Ana sighed, "But don't give me those eyes again. They're creepy."

Ophelia gasped, watching Ana as she stood up and walked to one of the boxes, opening it. "They are not!"

Ana laughed they unpacked at least three boxes before the front door opened and a pair of keys clattered against the unit beside the door.

"I'm home!" Amelia called out, "I saw Ana's car was here, is she here?"

"Hi, Amelia!" The younger Latina called out, and Ophelia could practically hear Amelia groan. She loved Ana, really, she did, she just always happened to see her after an exhausting day at work, and that woman had too much energy at those specific times, "I was just leaving, don't worry."

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't." Amelia finally walked into the living room, and Ophelia could feel the tiredness radiating off of her.

"Anyway, bye Oph, see you later!" Ana called as she left, not even bothering to put her shoes on, just picking them up and jumping into her car and driving off.

"She is so weird sometimes." Ophelia sighed, putting whatever she was holding back into the box it came from, making her way over to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Amelia said, a bright smile on her face.

"How was work?" Ophelia asked as Amelia went over to the sofa, rubbing her temples.

"Spinal decompression." She sighed, "I have such a bad headache."

Ophelia pulled off her top, revealing nothing underneath, and climbed on top of Amelia's lap, who was confused, but wasn't complaining.

"What are you doing?" She asked, smiling unashamedly as she looked her girlfriend up and down.

"I'm, um... helping!" Ophelia said, leaning in closer as she pretended to think.

Amelia hummed and finally connected their lips, slow and passionate at first, but then it got messier, more needy as Amelia laid back against the couch, Ophelia on top for one of the few times.


651 words

had to sneak in an arizona ref bc WE'RE GETTING HER BACK AHHHHH

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