Chapter 34

393 27 3

August 3, 2021

"Why? Is it because of Danielle's amnesia? Doctor, why? What's wrong?"

"Sorry, her condition is confidential and only a family member is allowed to know her situation. Thank you for bringing her here so kindly, let's wait for her parents to come."

I gnashes my teeth and slammed my hand on the table. Why can't I get it off my head? Is Danielle in a worse condition because of the incident?

"I swear if you don't come with me tomorrow I'll break up with you! This is final, Haerin!" Hanni screamed that made me grit my teeth even more.

"You can just bring her over her home yesterday but you chose to play the role of a hero! She just fainted for fucking sake! If you didn't bring her to the hospital we prolly catch up our flight. You're fucking stupid!"

"But it's fine with you, right? You don't care whether you lose me or not! You're probably in love with your sister's girlfriend! You didn't come back here to grieve for your sister but because you found the opportunity to make a move towards your first love, am I right?! You were probably so mad because I went with you!"

I don't care whether this is the first time but my reflexes moved too quick that the vase in front of me shattered into pieces before my eyes. My hands quiver as I look at the broken pieces of vase on the floor.

"You're right, Hanni..." I mumbled and faced her who's steps away from me, "I DON'T CARE WHETHER I LOSE YOU! AT THIS POINT I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHETHER I LOSE YOU FOR LIFETIME BECAUSE THAT GIRL OWNED MY HEART THAT YOU NEVER DID!" I yelled at her.

I didn't bother looking at her anymore. I immediately made my way out of my room, bringing the anger that I'm still holding in.

I couldn't care more about her at all. I'm done. I can't keep pretending. When Dani's held my hand, when I saw that smile, when she talked about the lost soul...

How I wish she said that because I was there...but not because she have seen Haneul in me.


I made a hand gesture for Mom to stop, "I'm staying here for months. Please excuse me, I need to breathe." I said and walks pass by her.

Hanni's old enough. Besides, she brags about her wealth every fucking time. I'm sure she'll find her own place here, just not in my home.

Hanni's POV

"AHH!" I scream as I kick the can on my way. Haerin really made me carry my baggage alone in this street huh?

After all that I've done for her? How can she be so shit? I know it, I know she still likes that girl.

"Yah! Don't you know that this shoes is expensive?!"

My eyes darted at someone about 5 feet away from me. The can that I kicked earlier was beneath her foot, she's stepping on it with her hands in her pocket.

"You kicked this can, right? Did you know that it almost hit my shoe? Are you gonna pay for the expenses if you've accidentally put a dirt on this
shoes?!" she continued yelling.

Geez. My Gucci and Prada can't relate.

"You probably worked so hard to get that huh?"

I smirks while pulling out a money from my pocket, "Here, buy a high class brand of shoes rather than acting like a child in this street." I tosses the money in front of her with a smile on my face. At least, I was able to help a peasant.

"Huh?" she mumbled with a confused expression on her face that made me confused as well. "Worked so hard to get this? No, my crush gave me this as a birthday present that's why I treasure this the most," she stated. She put her foot forward to step on the lying money on the ground, "You have a lot money but I guess, Haerin didn't treasure you that much.!" she hit my nerve in an instant.

I couldn't speak while looking at her.

Is she one of Danielle's friend that saw me in the bar?

"Ah...your attitude. No wonder why Haerin shut you out of her home. You acted up too much, maybe?" she steps closer to me, leaving all the money behind. "I can actually tear those money but I'm having a second thought. Why won't you call someone to carry your luggage with all the money you got? You're looking like a dimwit right now, don't you know that?"

"Y-You-who do you think you are?! No one's allowed to speak at me like that!" I stated

"You're never allowed to speak rudely at me, Pham! When someone speaks rudely to you, you know that you're not the one to be respected in the first place and in my case, you think I don't deserve a respect?! You fucking ungrateful child!"

"Wherever I go, they all bow their head and you should do more than that! Your face needs to meet the ground because I'm your father!"

"You have no future here in Korea. I'll send you abroad and make sure that no one would dare to disrespect you because it would be a shame and I won't have a second thought to deny you."

"You need to be brave in order to bring our family name. You need to step on everyone but no one's allowed to step on you."

"I'm Minji and I'm allowed to say what my mind speaks." she let out a smirk before attempting to pass by me but I grasped her arms.

Haerin disrespected me too much already...

"I won't let you pass. You need to bow." I said, "I need to see your face touching the ground. You need to show some respect for someone like me." I stated but a deafening silence won when her laugh occupied the air that's passing through my ears.

"Even Royal bloods don't ask for much more. Who do you think you are? You want to gain that respect when you're undeserving of that in the very first place?"

My heart isn't beating at all. I know my knees fell down the ground but there's nothing I could feel.

I was respected for long. No one dared to talk back at me. Even guys in Boston can't keep up with me. But why? This fucking stranger.

She's matching my stares but I can't see her clearly because of these running tears. I never cried. But why...

"Ignorant people do cry Danielle is right." she mumbled, "This is a street. You're not in a drama. Get up, people might start to record a video."

I heard her hiss but then, the sound of my luggage rolling on the ground occurred. I slightly wipe my tears only to see her bringing my luggage with her.

"Any place to stay? If you don't know any, I can take you somewhere. Let's go."


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