𝐂𝐡. 𝟐𝟓 | 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭 & 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠

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"Is this for Liya?" Chase asked, not surprised.

"I thought you'd never guess," I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"Well it's pretty obvious the little devil likes cats," he murmured under his breath.

"Since when did you start paying attention to Liya?" my neck inched back to tease him.

"I think her screaming about cats during her cat fever is enough of a warning that she loves cats," he swayed his head to which I burst out laughing.

We looked around and Chase stopped at this black cat which had green eyes. It was a Bombay cat. His hand fluffed around its head cutely and the cat jumped on his hand to bite him.

"Woah, I think you both share the biting trait," I teased with a chuckle.

"Yeah and I will bite your ass if you don't shut up," Chase threatens.

He picks up the cat and takes it in his arms. Chase doesn't have a great time showing fluffy affection. He's neither ever had a proper relationship with people except me.

All the betrayal and stupidity from people he trusted made him this way, a crazy alcoholic. But him showing this cat a bit of softness makes me happy.

"You should buy it," I suggested considering how well he was getting along with it.

"Maybe I will. He's so adorable," he laughs patting its small ears again.

I find myself a white cat with beautiful deep crystal blue eyes. It was a Persian cat and these were rare. She was so beautiful, and I instantly knew Liya would have her heart all over her with a cute name. I select the Persian cat and we both head to fill in the adoption papers.

We were both able to take our cats instantly. Chase had decided to head back home and so did I. I left her a message saying to come see me today for a surprise.

She let me know that she'd be free around lunch which was only a few hours away. Meantime, I had brought a cat basket and even a blanket for her. Some cat food and cat necessities.

"I'm home!" I hear Liya alert loudly as I'm in the kitchen.

The cat was outside and I did hear a cute little squeal. I walked out of the kitchen and into the entrance hall. She had her in her arms, cutely cuddling her and brushing her fur along her freckles.

"I see you've met your surprise," I smiled going in to give her a hug.

"She's yours?" her eyes bawl out with excitement.

I nodded yes and she gave her attention back to the cat.

"She's so adorable and fluffy and cute," Liya excitedly held her up in the air.

The cat licked her hands and lips once Liya tried hanging her over her shoulder. She already liked Liya. Not surprised.

"Do you have a name for her yet?" she asks, still focused on her.

"I just got her today. Why don't you name it?" I offered, taking the cat out of her hands and into mine.

"Mmmm, Minnie," Liya told like I already hadn't known because she's always talked about naming her cat Minnie if she ever got one.

"Wow, Minnie. How do you like the name mummy has given you?" I talk to the cat.

She licks my hands with excitement, liking the name.

"Mummy?" Liya laughs with amusement.

"Yeah, you're obviously her mum. And I'm her dad," I told with a raise of eyebrows.

Liya's lips turned into a small smirk, understanding the flirt in my words. She took Minnie out of my arms and back into hers. I watch her play with Minnie for the next hour, chasing her around the house, and placing her in her basket. She's treating her like a baby and it's so adorable.

"Alright, now it's time to spend time with Dad," I spoke taking the cat back into my arms which left Liya in a devastating gasp.

"Excuse me. That's my child. Give it back right now," she burst into laughter thinking I'd give Minnie back to her but I refused.

I had her chase me around the house and she didn't even give up. Minnie let out a few meows, laughing at both our childishness.

Now, the time given to the three of us before she left was spent on my couch around Minnie. She kept on crawling from lap to lap whilst we talked. We talked about the stars, flowers, strawberries, and romantic things.

And I knew my face had an extremely stretched smile because my cheeks started to pain as time went but my lips couldn't bring themselves to collapse into a small pouch because it was Liya who I was sitting with. It was impossible not to smile like an idiot at her words, her beautiful face and her beautiful soul.

"I've seen a different glow on you since the past week and it's so fucking adorable," I commented grabbing onto her hand gently to have a warm sensation melt along our skins.

"I've just been feeling, normal," she expressed looking into the thin air.

"You are normal. You were always normal," I clicked my tongue with annoyance at her words before saying these.

I always saw her as a perfect masterpiece, desiring to spoil her emotionally and mentally to elevate her on the pedestal she stood amongst in my head. She always looked at herself as the most imperfect thing in this world, but to me, she was the perfect masterpiece in my world.

The world I didn't want to leave. The world she made me want to live in. She made my heart feel free and live with goodness that I would often melt in the garden of thoughts that carried her essence. I didn't know if I was being delusional or too in love. Whichever it was, it felt warm and unreal.

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