Coward To Express

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Underneath these beautiful skies,
I'm looking at it blankly cold
All the sweet, dancing flowers I ignored
The beautiful things I forever despise

I really don't know why,
But there is this thought that was locking my mind, sigh
"All mesmerizing things that we perceive,
are deadly and will deceive."

As I sat down on my chair at the back
Listening attentively at the instructor
But, I was quite taken aback
At this girl at the front, making my heart captured

She has this lob hair, covering her ear
Had her full bangs, adding her cuteness I swear
Her stance was like a model girl
And just like that, she made my heart twirl

Her reddish kissable lips
Her glistening brown eyes that I wanted to keep
Her flushed cheeks encouraging me to be stiff
As her elegant, slight glimpse swift


I have promised myself
Not to be deceive by such beautiful things
Though, it can't be helped
She pulled my heart with love strings

I fell for her even more each single day
Everytime she talk to me, bad things sent away
Everytime I took a gaze on her
I quickly avert it if she turned

Everyday is a good day upon seeing her
She taught me quietly how I should admire the sky
It is truly beautiful and pleasing in the eye
Seeing the clouds being soft at the sky

I cherish my every moment with that girl
The moment she gave me a high five
The moment she made me laugh
The moment she made my cheeks blushed as well

Among all of these, there's a question,
A question bugging me on and on
How long would I keep admiring her from afar?
How many wars do I have to fight to win that star?

Should I settle for the casual moments I am with her?
And beg her to stay like this forever?
Or should I open my heart out?
And express my feelings with my mouth?

Either way, I have no courage
I have no courage to send these feelings
If I felt like confession was the same as salvage
Killing me deep inside, waiting for her answer

Am I really scared to confess?
Or am I scared what happens after that?
Afraid of rejection and sadness
How would I know if I don't try, do I?

Still, I'm a coward to express
These feelings I will repress
I know it's hard to forget about that girl
As I will see beautiful things that'll remind me of her

I will also not forget
How I acted cowardly
I live my life with regret
After all, I'm a coward to express.

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