picked up

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You were on a trip with your friends back to college. You stared out the window, envisioning your last year. Maybe this year your finally find a partner. All of your other friends have lovers and even fiances. You were happy for them but it would be nice to have a lover yourself. The pickings for a gay man in the south aren't a lot though. No one knows what kind of lover you want and you're not sure if they'll understand. You hate how lonely you feel. Is it to much to ask for a big boy to carry you in his arms? You sigh. "You ok back there?" The driver asks. "Yea." You reply. "Don't sound so sad, I'm sure you'll get some pussy this year." The one in the passenger seat says. You're an ok looking guy and getting pussy probably wouldn't be that hard but that's not why. You want dick, not pussy. You want someone inside you not the other way around. "I'm gonna nap." You say. "Ok but you're driving when you wake up." The driver says. You grab a blanket and curl up in the back seat and fall asleep. While your asleep your friends pull over. A sheriff arrest them for no reason and they are ruthless slaughtered. The car is toad. A big masked man searches the car. He pulls back the blanket to see you. You examines your face and steps back in shock. He stands there for a moment as mixed emotions fill his body. He breathes heavily, try to wrap his head around this. He scoops you out of the car and brings you inside. He carefully sneaks you upstairs and on to his bed. He stares at you for a while. You start to awake. It takes you a moment to render your surroundings. You sit up and look at the man. There's an awkward silence before you scream in terror. He quickly covers your mouth but his family already heard you. A woman comes upstairs and when she sees you then she stares in shock too. "Bring him down stairs." She says. He throws you over his shoulder and carries you downstairs. They tie you to a chair at the end of the dining table. "What's going on? Who are you people?" You ask. They just stare in confusion. "It can't be, after all these years." The woman says. "I dont understand." You say. The woman looks at the masked man. A sheriff comes in. "What's all this? Yall look like you've seen a ghost." He says. He looks at you and his face drops. "How the fuck is that possible?" He mumbles. "Can someone please tell me what's going on." You plead. "I dont know how to really explain it." The woman says. The masked man moves close to you. You tremble in fear. "Don't scare him now Tommy." The woman says. "Tommy?" You say. "Yes! He's tommy, I'm luda mae and he's hoyt." Luda mae says. "Well it's nice to meet you all but can someone explain why I'm tied up and being gawked at?!" You shout angrily. "Ok, there's no need to raise your voice." Luda mae says. She leaves then comes back with a photo. She puts the photo in front of you. You see another masked guy and guy who looks eerily similar to you. It's like your face was copy and pasted from his. "Who's that masked guy?" You ask. "That's tommy when he was younger and the other one is his late boyfriend." Luda Mae says. You sit there, thinking for a second. "How long ago did you lose him?" You ask. "About 20 some years ago." She replies. "24 years?" You ask. "Yes actually." She says. "Do you remember the day?" You ask. "May 13th." She replies. Just the day before your birthday. "This is weird, there's no way this is real." You mumble. "It is and it can't be coincidence. God has finally sent you back to my tommy." Luda mae says. You look at Tommy, examining him carefully. He is your type. "You mean you want me to be his boyfriend?" You ask. "Yes." Luda mae says. "Well, I did want to find a lover this year but I'm not sure if I can do this. I mean yall kidnapped me." You say. "That's what he said but trust me, my Tommy's a nice boy and you were clearly ment to come back to him." Luda mae says. "I guess our all the connection can't be random." You say. "Just give my boy some time and I promise you'll be in love before you'll realize it." She says. Tommy holds your face. "I dont really have much of a choice, if you guys didn't kidnap me I would probably not find someone." You say. "So you'll date him?" Luda mae asks. "Yea." You say. She gets a wide smile on her face and hugs tommy. "God has finally sent you another lover." She says happily. Tommy kisses your cheek and you blush. He's better than nothing and maybe he could be a good lover. He unties you and brings you back upstairs. He lays you down on his bed once again. "Slow down, I don't do that on the first date." You say. You can see a slight smile under his mask. He lays down next to you and pulls you close. "Well, I do like cuddling." You say. You curl up in his arms and fall asleep.

(feast on your heart) thomas hewitt 2003 x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now