Chapter Twenty-Two

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He scented her before his eyes opened. The smell of her sweet perfume teased his nose. And then he felt her, cozied up against his chest, legs wound between his like they belonged there. Her dark hair was in his mouth, her arms around his body.

Talk about an invasion of space.

With Sofia, he didn't have any.

Yet he wasn't annoyed. Even knowing she must've picked the lock to get in, he wasn't irritated.

Having her tucked up against him like this felt right even when he knew it was wrong. When it couldn't possibly be more wrong.

This was as right as it could get.

He sifted his fingers through her hair, enjoying the softness. Enjoying the fact that she was quiet and not biting his ear off.

Morning glory graced him. He blamed the majority of that on the little woman in his bed, cursing him.

Gently, he manoeuvred her onto the mattress and slid out from underneath her. She whined, still asleep, in irritation.

Where she should be.

Oh God. It wasn't a good sign if these thoughts were creeping up on him already. He'd start to sound like Claudio if he wasn't careful.

He headed for the bathroom, needing a minute to clear his head. He didn't know how to handle Sofia and since she clearly wasn't leaving anytime soon he'd have to figure that out and fast.

He shut the door behind him, sucked in a deep breath, and stripped for the shower. The hot water cascading down his back instantly relaxed him. He lost himself in the steam and heat, his head turned to the ceiling.

His head whipped down when the door to the bathroom opened. His mate had woken up. Tired, sleepy eyes found his naked body through the steamed-up glass of the shower. She smiled, stretched and discarded his shirt that she wore.

What were the boundaries between them? She was comfortable sneaking into his room and raiding his wardrobe. And by the looks of it, she'd be just as comfortable sharing his shower.

She paused with the door open, splashing the floor.

"Something wrong?"

Her lips were parted with wordlessness but she didn't look unhappy.

"No." She swallowed thickly. "You've got separate shampoo and conditioner."

He understood what she was saying. Sofia was thinking about the night they'd met. About how it changed everything.

"Are you coming in or what?"

She made the few final steps and shut the shower screen door.

When it closed behind her and the first spray of water hit her body, she frowned at Caspian.

"You're not mad at me?"

I'm always mad at you.

"For what?"

"Picking your lock? Coming here after you said goodnight."

"I'm not mad at you for doing something I knew you were going to do, trouble." He tucked some hair behind her ear, enjoying the closeness of their proximity. "But if I wake up with your hair in my mouth again I'll cut it all off."

"Don't pretend your day hasn't been made by the fact you got to wake up next to me."

"Next to you? You were on top of me all night crushing my lungs." He ran his hands over her shoulders, arms and hips. "God you're persistent."

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